All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractGbifUser |
An abstract GBIF user account.
AccessionStatus |
Deprecated. |
AcefTerm |
As per CoL Data Submission Format, ver.
AcTerm |
All Audiovisual Core terms with namespace
Address |
The particulars of the place where a institution of collection is situated.
Address |
Address |
A package visible providing the commonality for addresses, including the constraint validations.
AgentIdentifier |
AgentIdentifierType |
Enumeration for user identifiers like ORCID, WIKIDATA and etc
AlternativeCode |
Models a GrSciColl alternative code.
AlternativeMatches |
Holds the alternative results of the collections lookup.
AlternativeNames |
Optional interface for terms that have known alternative simple names the TermFactory should be aware of.
AnnotationUtils |
Utility method to work with annotations.
ApplySuggestionResult |
AppPrincipal |
AppRole |
Role(s) that can be assigned to authenticated application.
BaseChangeSuggestion<T extends CollectionEntity> |
BaseEntityMatched |
BasePager<T> |
Iterator over registry entities from paging responses that filters out deleted entities.
BaseSearchResponse |
BasisOfRecord |
A simple enumeration of all DarwinCore values of BasisOfRecord legal for occurrences.
BasisOfRecordSerde |
Serializer for BasisOfRecord.
BasisOfRecordSerde.BasisOfRecordJsonDeserializer |
BasisOfRecordSerde.BasisOfRecordJsonSerializer |
Batch |
A batch that can contain either institutions or collections to create or update them in bulk.
Batch.State |
BatchService |
Defines the service to work with batches.
BatchView |
BibTexTerm |
BoundingBox |
Geographic coverage geometry in the form of 4 sided bounding box.
ChallengeCode |
Encapsulate a challenge code.
Change |
ChangeSuggestion<T extends CollectionEntity> |
ChangeSuggestionService<T extends CollectionEntity,R extends ChangeSuggestion<T>> |
Defines the service to suggest changes in GRSciColl entities.
ChronoTerm |
All Chronometric terms with namespace
Citation |
A citation can have one or both of a textual component and an identifier which can be
of any form, but expected to be resolvable in some way such as an LSID, DOI or similar.
CitationContact |
A contact used to generate a dataset citation.
CitationGenerator |
CitationGenerator.CitationData |
CitesAppendix |
Vocabulary for the 3 CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
Appendix numbers.
ClassificationUtils |
Collection |
A group of specimens or other natural history objects.
Collection |
Collection data for the Dataset.
CollectionChangeSuggestion |
CollectionContentType |
Deprecated. |
CollectionDescriptorPager |
CollectionDescriptorsSearchRequest |
CollectionDescriptorVerbatimPager |
CollectionEntity |
Entity .
CollectionEntityService<T extends CollectionEntity> |
CollectionEntityType |
CollectionFacet<T extends CollectionsFacetParameter> |
CollectionFacet.Count |
CollectionFacetParameter |
CollectionImportParams |
Contains the parameters to create a collection from a dataset.
CollectionMatched |
CollectionSearchRequest |
CollectionSearchResponse |
Models the response for the Collection search.
CollectionService |
API Service to work with collections.
CollectionsFacetParameter |
CollectionsFullSearchResponse |
Models the response for the Collections search.
CollectionsPager |
CollectionsSortField |
CollectionStatusHistory |
CollectionView |
Comment |
Commentable |
Generic comment interface for entities.
CommentService |
Service provides a set of operations on Comment .
CommonParameters |
CommonParameters.HighlightParameter |
The usual (search) limit and offset parameters
CommonParameters.QParameter |
A normal full-text search parameter.
CompoundPredicate |
A compound predicate is a Predicate that itself contains other Predicates.
ConfirmationKeyParameter |
Confirmation key is a UUID used to confirm an entity.
ConjunctionPredicate |
This predicate is "AND"-ing its subpredicates together.
Constants |
Common variables used by API.
Contact |
Contact |
Contactable |
Entity that can have a list of contacts and addresses.
Contactable |
Generic contact interface for entities.
ContactAdapter |
Adapt the Dataset Contact list for what metadata documents generally want.
ContactDetail |
ContactService |
API Service for the contacts in the collections service.
ContactService |
Service provides a set of operations on Contact .
ContactType |
Enumeration for all contact types.
Continent |
ConvertToCollectionParams |
Country |
An enumeration for all current ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 country codes.
Country.IsoDeserializer |
Deserializes the value from a 2-letter ISO format.
Country.IsoSerializer |
Serializes the value in a 2-letter ISO format.
Country.TitleDeserializer |
Deserializes the value from an English country title exactly as given by the enumeration.
Country.TitleSerializer |
Serializes the value as the English country title.
CountryOccurrenceDownloadUsage |
Represents the information about the usage of one country in an occurrence download.
CountryUsageSortField |
Fields to sort by the country usages in an occurrence download.
CrawlJob |
This class represents a job to be worked on by a crawler.
CrudService<T extends CollectionEntity> |
CrudService<T,W,K> |
A generic CRUD service interface for any writable entity.
CubeService |
The cube API service, for reading addressable counts from a basic cube.
CuratorialUnit |
The base class of all curatorial units.
CuratorialUnitComposite |
Composite class, combining fields from CuratorialUnitCount and CuratorialUnitRange for simpler parsing of
curatorial units, since both count and range types share the same root element.
CuratorialUnitCount |
Used for acuratorial unit count with uncertainty.
CuratorialUnitRange |
Used to indicate that the curatorial unit falls within a range of values.
CuratorialUnitType |
Allows for typed units.
DataDescription |
Describes the format of externally available data on a URL.
Dataset |
A GBIF dataset which provides occurrence data, checklist data, sampling event data or metadata.
DatasetConstituentPager |
Iterates over all dataset constituents of a given super dataset.
DatasetKey |
A typed dataset key for both registered and external datasets.
DatasetMetrics |
Simple metrics about a single, processed checklist dataset in time.
DatasetMetricsService |
DatasetMixin |
DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsage |
Represents the information about the usage of one dataset in an occurrence download.
DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsageService |
Interface to access and persists information about occurrence download events.
DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsagesPager |
DatasetPager |
Pages through all datasets filtering by type only.
DatasetProcessService |
This service exposes information regarding current crawling process and is not intended to provide historical
DatasetProcessStatus |
Information about a dataset that is currently being processed.
DatasetProcessStatus.Builder |
DatasetProcessStatusService |
Interface to access and persist information about dataset processing statuses.
DatasetRequestSearchParams |
Parameters to list datasets.
DatasetSearchParameter |
Each value in the enum represents a possible facet for the Dataset search.
DatasetSearchRequest |
A dataset specific search request with convenience methods to add facet filters.
DatasetSearchResult |
The dataset search model object for faceted and full text search.
DatasetSearchResultsPager |
Pages through all datasets search results.
DatasetSearchService |
Interface that provides search and suggest operations over Datasets.
DatasetService |
DatasetSubtype |
Enumeration for all possible dataset subtypes.
DatasetSuggestRequest |
A dataset specific suggest request.
DatasetSuggestResult |
The dataset search model object for suggest searches of datasets.
DatasetType |
Enumeration for all possible dataset types.
DatasetUsageSortField |
Fields to sort by the dataset usages in an occurrence download.
DateRange |
A period of time.
DateSerde |
Jackson JsonSerializer classes for Date s with specified formats.
DateSerde.FlexibleDateJsonDeserializer |
Jackson JsonDeserializer for Date s formatted above, falling back to the Jackson way.
DateSerde.NoTimezoneDateJsonSerializer |
Jackson JsonSerializer for Date .
DcElement |
All Dublin Core terms with namespace
DcTerm |
All Dublin Core terms with namespace
Description |
Description Model Object represents a taxon description.
DescriptionService |
Service interface for Description Interface methods.
Descriptor |
DescriptorGroup |
DescriptorGroupSearchRequest |
DescriptorMatch |
DescriptorSearchRequest |
DescriptorSearchRequest.CustomBuilder |
DescriptorSearchRequest.DescriptorSearchRequestBuilder |
DescriptorsService |
API service to work with collection descriptors.
Dimension<T> |
A typed dimension to a cube, which is constructed with a unique key.
Discipline |
Deprecated. |
DisjunctionPredicate |
This predicate is "OR"-ing its subpredicates together.
DistanceUnit |
The DistanceUnit enumerates several units for measuring distances.
DistanceUnit.Distance |
DistanceUnit.GeoDistance |
Distribution |
Distribution Model Object represents a species distribution.
DistributionService |
Service interface for Distribution Interface methods.
DistributionStatus |
A statement about the presence or absence of a Taxon at a Location.
Class representing a single Digital Object Identifier (DOI) breaking it down to a prefix and suffix.
DOI.DoiDeserializer |
DOI.DoiSerializer |
DoiData |
Data about a DOI with a target URI and a status enumeration.
DoiStatus |
This enumeration represents the status of a DOI identifier.
Download |
Download.Status |
Reflects the possibles statuses of a download during its execution.
DownloadFormat |
Download output requested format.
DownloadLauncherService |
DownloadRequest |
Represents a request to download occurrence records.
DownloadRequestSerde |
Download request deserializer.
DownloadRequestService |
Provides services to manage download requests and retrieve the download file.
DownloadStatisticPager |
DownloadStatistics |
Monthly dataset download statistics.
DownloadType |
Defines the type of citable data download.
Duplicate |
Models a duplicate in GRSciColl.
DuplicatesRequest |
Request to be used for the GRSciColl API duplicates services.
DuplicatesResult |
Result to be used for the GRSciColl API duplicates services.
DwcaTerm |
Darwin Core Archive terms with namespace
DwcaValidationReport |
A report of the validity of a DwC-A.
DwcModule |
DwcTerm |
All Darwin Core terms with namespace as an
enumeration with alternative term names found sometimes in data.
EmailConstraintValidator |
ConstraintValidator that validates emails.
EmptyToNull |
Indicates that the field is suitable to convert empty strings into null.
EmptyToNullUriDeserializer |
EndorsementStatus |
Endpoint |
Endpointable |
Generic endpoint interface for entities.
EndpointCreatedComparator |
An ordering that uses the created date of an endpoint for ordering.
EndpointPriorityComparator |
Compares two Endpoints.
EndpointService |
Service provides a set of operations on Endpoint .
EndpointType |
Enumeration for all endpoint types.
EntityMatched |
EntityWithLogoMixin |
EqualsPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is equal to its value .
EstablishmentMeans |
Deprecated. |
Event |
Event class based on
Event.ParentLineage |
Event.VocabularyConcept |
ExifTerm |
All Adobe EXIF terms with namespace
Experimental |
Experimental features are available but are not as robustly supported as other features.
ExportFormat |
Supported export formats.
ExtendedPrincipal |
Simply an extension of Principal to add the possibility to check roles.
Extension |
Enumeration of dwc extensions for both Occurrence and Taxon that are indexed by GBIF.
ExtensionDeserializer |
ExtensionKeyDeserializer |
ExtensionKeySerializer |
ExtensionSerializer |
Facet<T extends SearchParameter> |
Represents a clustering of search results into categories.
Facet.Count |
Nested class that represents the count of each category.
FacetedSearchRequest<F extends CollectionsFacetParameter> |
FacetedSearchRequest<P extends SearchParameter> |
Generic request class for search operations requesting facets.
FacetedSearchRequest.FacetParameters |
Annotation to document the facet query parameters.
FacetedSearchResponse<T,F extends CollectionsFacetParameter> |
FinishReason |
This enum lists the reasons why a crawl is finished.
Format |
FullTextSearchPredicate |
This predicate checks performs a full text search based on a query parameter.
Gadm |
GADM level.
GadmFeature |
GadmTerm |
GbifDnaTerm |
Terms defined in the DNA extension.
GbifInternalTerm |
Internal GBIF terms used for processing, fragmenting, crawling, ...
GbifMiqeTerm |
Terms defined in the DNA extension.
GbifRegion |
An enumeration for all GBIF Regions.
GbifTerm |
GbifUser |
A GBIF user account registered in the user Identity database (previously Drupal).
GbifUserPrincipal |
A wrapper class for a GBIF User that exposes the unique account name as the principal name.
Generated |
Annotation that marks a method as a 'generated' one.
GenericValidationReport |
A container class used to capture the information necessary for a generic validation report.
GeoDistancePredicate |
This predicate checks if an occurrence location falls within a distance of a location.
GeographicContext |
Geometry |
General interface for all geometries such as polygons or bounding boxes.
GeospatialCoverage |
GermplasmTerm |
All Germplasm terms with namespace
GgbnTerm |
All GGBN terms with namespace
GreaterThanOrEqualsPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is greater than or equal its value .
GreaterThanPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is greater than its value .
Grid |
GrSciCollUtils |
Habitat |
Very coarse habitat vocabulary matching the boolean biome flags found in the species profile extension.
Highlight |
HttpURI |
Validates that the URI field is absolute, beginning with either http or https.
HuhValidator |
Identifiable |
Generic identifier interface for entities.
Identifier |
Identifier |
Identifier Model Object represents an alternative identifier for an occurrence or name usage.
Identifier |
IdentifierScheme |
IdentifierSchemeValidator |
Validation and normalization interface for identifier schemes.
IdentifierService |
Service interface for Identifier methods.
IdentifierService |
Service provides a set of operations on Identifier .
IdentifierType |
Enumeration for all possible identifier types.
IdentifierUtils |
This class contains utility methods for identifiers.
IdentityAccessService |
Identity service accessing a single user, in read-only.
IdType |
ID type for user IDs in GRSciColl contacts.
IhIrnValidator |
IngestionHistoryService |
IngestionProcess |
InPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key contains any of its values .
Installation |
A technical installation which can serve datasets.
InstallationPager |
Iterates over all datasets hosted by a given installation.
InstallationRequestSearchParams |
InstallationService |
InstallationType |
Enumeration for all possible installation types.
Institution |
The owner or location of collection.
InstitutionChangeSuggestion |
InstitutionFacetedSearchRequest |
InstitutionFacetParameter |
InstitutionGovernance |
Deprecated. |
InstitutionImportParams |
Contains the parameters to create an institution from an organization.
InstitutionMatched |
InstitutionSearchRequest |
InstitutionSearchResponse |
InstitutionService |
Service for institutions in the collections context.
InstitutionsPager |
InstitutionType |
Deprecated. |
InternalOccurrenceSearchParameter |
Query parameters used internally (not part of the public API) to support complex data types.
InterpretationRemark |
Represents a remark flagged during the interpretation phase.
InterpretationRemarkSeverity |
Severity of an InterpretationRemark.
InterpretationType |
Enum to represent the pipelines internal interpretation type steps.
InterpretationType.RecordType |
InterpretedEnum<V,I extends Enum<I>> |
Deprecated. |
InterpretedField<V,I> |
Deprecated. |
IptcTerm |
All International Press Telecommunications Council terms with namespace
IsniValidator |
Validator for ISNI numbers.
IsNotNullPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
IsNullPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
IsoDateInterval |
Represents an ISO 8601:2019 date, date-time or date/date-time interval.
IsoDateIntervalSerde |
Jackson JsonSerializer classes for IsoDateInterval s with specified formats.
IsoDateIntervalSerde.IsoDateIntervalDeserializer |
Jackson JsonDeserializer for IsoDateInterval s formatted above, falling back to the Jackson way.
IsoDateIntervalSerde.IsoDateIntervalSerializer |
IsoDateParsingUtils |
Utility class that parses date values, the allowed date formats are: "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM" or "yyyy".
IsoDateParsingUtils.IsoDateFormat |
Enumerations with the allowed date formats by the occurrence search service.
Iterables |
Factory constructing registry entity iterables using specific pagers under the hood.
IucnTerm |
KeyCodeNameResult |
A utility container for holding the key, code and name of an entity.
KeyTitleResult |
A utility container for holding only the title and key of an entity.
KeywordCollection |
Allows a collection of keywords which may declare a thesaurus from which they come from.
Keywords |
Kingdom |
A simple enumeration of all kingdoms found in the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy and also Catalogue of Life.
Language |
Enumeration for all ISO 639-1 language codes using 2 lower case letters.
Language.IsoKeySerializer |
Language.IsoSerializer |
Serializes the value in a 3 letter ISO format.
Language.LenientDeserializer |
Deserializes the value from a 3 letter ISO format or the enumeration name itself to maintain as
much backwards compatibility as possible with e.g.
Language.LenientKeyDeserializer |
LengthUtils |
LenientEquals<T> |
An interface to allow model objects to offer a consistent lenient equality check.
LenientEqualsUtils |
LessThanOrEqualsPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is less or equal than its value .
LessThanPredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is less than its value .
License |
Enumeration of the set of licenses GBIF supports for applying to a dataset.
LicenseMixin |
Mixin interface used to serialize license enums into urls.
LicenseSerde |
Jackson JsonSerializer and Jackson JsonDeserializer classes for License .
LicenseSerde.LicenseJsonDeserializer |
Jackson JsonDeserializer for License .
LicenseSerde.LicenseJsonSerializer |
Jackson JsonSerializer for License .
LifeStage |
Deprecated. |
LikePredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is LIKE its value .
Lineage |
Lineage class to represent relations between events.
LinneanClassification |
A flat taxonomic classification using the major, Linnean ranks with verbatim names.
LinneanClassificationKeys |
A flat taxonomic classification using the major, Linnean ranks with verbatim names and integer based keys.
LiteratureRelevance |
LiteratureSearchParameter |
LiteratureSearchRequest |
LiteratureSearchResult |
LiteratureTopic |
LiteratureType |
LocalDateTimeSerDe |
Jackson JsonSerializer and Jackson JsonDeserializer classes for LocalDateTime .
LocalDateTimeSerDe.LocalDateTimeDeserializer |
LocalDateTimeSerDe.LocalDateTimeSerializer |
LookupParams |
Holds the parameters that the collections lookup accepts.
LookupResult |
Result of a collections lookup that contains the institution and collections matches found.
MachineTag |
A tag that has a namespace, name and a value.
MachineTaggable |
Generic machine tag interface for entities.
MachineTagService |
Service provides a set of operations on MachineTag .
MachineTagUtils |
Utility class to simplify your life when dealing with machine tags.
MaintenanceChange |
A description of single changes made to the data.
MaintenanceUpdateFrequency |
Enumeration for describing the frequency with which changes and additions are made to the dataset after the initial
dataset is completed.
MapEntrySerde |
Deprecated. |
MapEntrySerde.MapEntryJsonDeserializer |
Deprecated. |
MapEntrySerde.MapEntryJsonSerializer |
Deprecated. |
MasterSourceMetadata |
Metadata to sync GRSciColl entities with their master sources.
MasterSourceType |
Type of GRSciColl master source.
Match<T extends EntityMatched> |
Used in the LookupResult to express how good an entity matches.
Match.MatchType |
Match.Reason |
Match.Status |
MeasurementOrFact |
MeasurementOrFact |
A measurement or fact about an occurrence.
MediaObject |
Metadata for a multimedia object representing an image, video or audio file.
MediaType |
MergeParams |
Metadata |
MetadataType |
Enumeration for all possible metadata types.
MetasyncHistory |
Metadata synchronization historical information.
MetasyncHistoryService |
Interface to access and persists historical metadata synchronization results.
MetasyncResult |
Enumeration of all the different categories of results we want to report on during metadata synchronisation.
Mixins |
Mixins are typically used to leave serialization-oriented annotations outside the models to avoid
introducing coupling on a specific SerDe.
MixsTerm |
All GenSC (Genomics Standards Consortium) Minimum Information about any Sequence (MIxS) terms
with namespace or
Mod112 |
Util class that generates a validates Mod11,2 checksums.
MultimediaService |
The public interface providing methods for retrieving NameUsageMediaObjects.
NameParser |
Interface for parsing scientific names.
NamePart |
Enumeration to indicate a part of a canonical scientific name.
NameType |
A short classification of scientific name strings used in Checklist Bank.
NameUsage |
A usage of a scientific name according to one particular Checklist including the GBIF Taxonomic Backbone,
the NUB.
NameUsageContainer |
An extension to a NameUsage adding all further properties that are not eagerly loaded.
NameUsageExtension |
NameUsageExtensionService<T> |
Parameterized service interface for model classes extending a NameUsage.
NameUsageIssue |
Enumeration of issues for each name usage record encountered during checklist processing.
NameUsageMatch |
The resulting lookup of a name usage match.
NameUsageMatch.MatchType |
NameUsageMatch2 |
NameUsageMatch for API v2
NameUsageMatch2.Diagnostics |
NameUsageMatch2.Nomenclature |
NameUsageMatchingService |
A lookup service that fuzzy matches classified scientific names against a body of names.
NameUsageMediaObject |
An extension to the common MediaObject that adds a source taxon key property from checklistbank.
NameUsageMetrics |
Basic metrics for a single name usage.
NameUsageSearchParameter |
Each value in the enum represents a search parameter or facet of the name usage search.
NameUsageSearchRequest |
A name usage specific search request with convenience methods to add enum based search filters.
NameUsageSearchRequest.NameUsageQueryField |
NameUsageSearchResult |
Class used for returning results of a full text search operation.
NameUsageSearchService |
Interface that provides search/suggest(autocomplete) operations over NameUsages.
NameUsageService |
This is the public interface providing methods for retrieving name usages in general, no matter if nub or
checklist usage.
NameUsageSuggestRequest |
A name usage specific suggest request.
NameUsageSuggestResult |
Class used for returning results of a suggest operation.
Network |
A GBIF network.
NetworkEntity |
This interface provides a minimal contract that all network entities (The readable version) will adhere to.
NetworkEntityService<T> |
NetworkMixin |
NetworkPager |
Iterates over all datasets belonging to a given network.
NetworkRequestSearchParams |
NetworkService |
Node |
A GBIF participant node.
NodeDatasetPager |
Pages through all datasets endorsed by a given node.
NodeMixin |
NodeOrganizationPager |
Pages through all organizations endorsed by a given node.
NodePager |
Pages through all organizations optionally filtering by country.
NodeRequestSearchParams |
NodeService |
Actions on a GBIF node.
NodeType |
Enumeration for all possible node types.
NomenclaturalCode |
Enumeration representing the different nomenclatoral codes found in biology for scientific names.
NomenclaturalStatus |
Vocabulary for the nomenclatural status of a name.
NotPredicate |
This predicate negates its subpredicate.
NullToNotFound |
Annotation that marks a resource method to throw a NotFoundException (becomes http 404)
when null is returned by the method.
ObisTerm |
All OBIS terms with namespace
ObjectClassification |
ObjectGroup |
Occurrence |
Represents an Occurrence as interpreted by GBIF, adding typed properties on top of the verbatim ones.
OccurrenceCountryIndexService |
Supports the listing of countries having occurrence records.
OccurrenceCube |
The occurrence cube dimension definitions and the way in which they are rolled up into counts.
OccurrenceDatasetIndexService |
Supports the listing of datasets having occurrence records.
OccurrenceDistributionIndexService |
Supports listing occurrence counts by known dimensions.
OccurrenceDownloadService |
Interface to access and persist information about occurrence download events.
OccurrenceIssue |
An enumeration of validation rules for single occurrence records.
OccurrenceMappeable |
OccurrenceMapping |
Models the mapping of a GRSciColl institution or collection to an occurrence record.
OccurrenceMappingService |
OccurrenceMixin |
OccurrencePersistenceStatus |
These are the possible states of an Occurrence as it moves through the processing and persistence chain.
OccurrencePredicateSearchRequest |
Search request that uses a predicate filter like the ones used un downloads.
OccurrenceRelation |
Occurrence relations based on the dwc:ResourceRelationship model.
OccurrenceSchemaType |
The slightly simplified standard schemas that a crawled occurrence record could be built in.
OccurrenceSearchParameter |
Supported query parameters by the occurrence search and download service.
OccurrenceSearchRequest |
Request class for issuing search request to the occurrence search service.
OccurrenceSearchService |
Interface that provides search operations over Occurrences.
OccurrenceService |
OccurrenceStatus |
A statement about the presence or absence of an occurrence at a location at a time.
OccurrenceValidationReport |
The rules followed here should match the document at:
OrcidValidator |
Validator for Orcid identifiers.
OrganisationalUnit |
Organization |
A GBIF data publisher.
OrganizationContactView |
OrganizationMixin |
OrganizationOccurrenceDownloadUsage |
Represents the information about the usage of one organization in an occurrence download.
OrganizationPager |
Pages through all organizations optionally filtering by country.
OrganizationRequestSearchParams |
OrganizationService |
OrganizationUsageSortField |
Fields to sort by the organization usages in an occurrence download.
OrgHostingPager |
Iterates over all datasets hosted by a given organisation.
OrgPublishingPager |
Iterates over all datasets published by a given organisation.
Origin |
Enumeration to classify name usages by how they originated.
OtherValidator |
Pageable |
Most simple paging interface for both request and responses.
Pageable.OffsetLimitParameters |
The usual (search) limit and offset parameters
PageableBase |
Generically is a class that contains attributes used by operations that are aware of pagination.
PagingConstants |
Paging constants.
PagingRequest |
PagingResponse<T> |
Paging response bean.
ParamName |
Overrides parameter name when a form param name does not match a method param name.
ParsedName |
A container of a taxon name that is atomised into its relevant, separate parts.
ParsedNameService |
ChecklistBank service dealing with parsed names.
PartialDate |
This annotation is used to mark Date parameter that can accept partial dates as input.
ParticipationStatus |
Enumeration for all of GBIF's participation statuses.
Person |
PersonRole |
PhotoshopTerm |
All Adobe Photoshop terms with namespace
PipelineExecution |
Models an execution of a pipeline that can include one or more steps.
PipelineProcess |
Models a pipeline process for a specific dataset and attempt.
PipelineProcessParameters |
PipelinesHistoryService |
PipelineStep |
Models a step in pipelines.
PipelineStep.MetricInfo |
Inner class to store metrics.
PipelineStep.Status |
Enum to represent the status of a step.
PipelinesWorkflow |
PipelinesWorkflow.Graph<T> |
PlaziTerm |
Terms used in DwC archives from
Point |
Polygon |
A simple polygon made out of a list of points to be joined.
PostPersist |
A marker intended for validation annotations indicating that the rule should be applied for entites before they have
been persisted.
PreconditionUtils |
Analogues of methods from guava's Preconditions
Predicate |
PredicateDownloadRequest |
An occurrence download request whose filters are based on predicates ( see Predicate ).
PrePersist |
A marker intended for validation annotations indicating that the rule should be applied for entites before they have
been persisted.
PreservationMethodType |
The definition of the available preservation method types (the method used to preserve specimens).
PreservationType |
Deprecated. |
PrimaryIdentifierService |
ProcessingErrorType |
Deprecated. |
ProcessState |
This enum lists the state of an occurrence or checklist crawl.
Project |
A dataset can be part of a project.
ProjectAward |
ProjectAward is used to enter information about a funding award associated with a project.
QueryBuildingException |
QueryVisitor |
Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>> |
Simplified version of guava's Range .
RangePredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
This predicate checks if its key is within the range value .
RangeValue |
A range used for predicates allowing including or excluding the end values.
Rank |
An ordered taxonomic rank enumeration with the most frequently used values.
RankedName |
RankSerde |
Jackson JsonSerializer and Jackson JsonDeserializer classes for Rank that uses the common rank markers instead of enum names.
RankSerde.RankJsonDeserializer |
Jackson JsonDeserializer for Rank .
RankSerde.RankJsonSerializer |
Jackson JsonSerializer for Rank .
ReadBuilder |
Provides building of addresses for reading the cube.
RecordError |
Deprecated. |
RecordError.Builder |
Reference |
Reference Model Object represents a literature reference stating a bibliography for a taxon.
Reference |
ReferenceService |
Service interface for Reference Interface methods.
RelatedProject |
A dedicated class for related projects.
RelationType |
Request<T> |
Class that represents a generic invocation of operation.
Request.Builder<T> |
Builder class for Request instances.
Request.OperationType |
CRUD operation types.
RequestSearchParams |
Base class for registry requests to list the entities.
ResearcherIdValidator |
ResourceRelationship |
Response<T> |
Response.Builder<T> |
Builder for Response objects.
Response.Status |
Response.StatusCode |
ResponseChain<T,R> |
Response that can contain a list of related responses.
Role |
Rollup |
A rollup defines an addressable count that is maintained for a set of dimensions.
RunAllParams |
Encapsulates the params to pass in the body for the runAll method.
RunPipelineResponse |
Encapsulates the possible response of the request of re-execute a pipeline of dataset and
RunPipelineResponse.Builder |
RunPipelineResponse.ResponseStatus |
Possible response statuses.
SamplingDescription |
SearchConstants |
Contains common search constants.
SearchParameter |
Interface to be implemented by all search parameter enumerations.
SearchRequest |
SearchRequest<P extends SearchParameter> |
Generic request class for search operations.
SearchRequest.QueryField |
SearchResponse<T,P extends SearchParameter> |
Generic response of a search operation.
SearchResult |
Models a flat response of a pipeline process search.
SearchService<T,P extends Enum<?> & SearchParameter,R extends SearchRequest<P>> |
Parameterized generic search interface that supports pagination.
SearchTypeValidator |
Utility class to do basic validation of all search enum based values.
ServiceUnavailableException |
An unchecked exception that indicates that the service is not available.
Sex |
Deprecated. |
SimplePredicate<S extends SearchParameter> |
SingleDate |
A single instance in time.
SortOrder |
Source |
Sources for GRSciColl.
Sourceable |
Annotation to indicate that a field can be populated from external sources.
SourceableField |
Holds the info about the GRSciColl fields whose master source is outside GRSciColl.
SourceableField.Source |
Sourceables |
Container annotation for multiple Sourceable annotations.
SpeciesProfile |
SpeciesProfile Model Object represents a species profile which describes basic species characteristics.
SpeciesProfileService |
Service interface for SpeciesProfile Interface methods.
SpellCheckResponse |
Contains the response information of a spell check request.
SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion |
Information about a suggestion made for possible correct spelled version of a search term.
SqlDownloadRequest |
SQL Based downloads — experimental feature.
Status |
StepRunner |
General runners, STANDALONE - run an app using local resources, DISTRIBUTED - run an app using
YARN cluster.
StepType |
Enum to represent the pipelines step names.
SuggestService<T,P extends Enum<?> & SearchParameter,R extends SearchRequest<P>> |
Generic search interface for a suggest/autocomplete service.
TableOfContents |
A simple class to represent a table of contents for multiple languages.
Tag |
Taggable |
Generic tag interface for entities.
TagName |
TagNamespace |
Known namespaces for tags.
TagService |
Service provides a set of operations on Tag .
TaxonomicCoverage |
An individual coverage.
TaxonomicCoverages |
TaxonomicStatus |
The taxonomic status of a taxon.
TechnicalInstallationType |
TemporalCoverage |
The base of all types of temporal coverages.
TemporalCoverageFormatterVisitor |
Allows formatter to be dynamically selected based on the concrete type of TemporalCoverage at runtime.
Term |
TermComparator |
Compares terms by their qualified name.
TermDeserializer |
A json deserializer that turns full qualified term names into dwc terms instances.
TermFactory |
Simple, threadsafe factory for terms that knows about all ConceptTerms of this library and keeps singletons for
all unknown Term instances.
TermKeyDeserializer |
TermKeySerializer |
TermMapListDeserializer |
Deprecated. |
TermMapListSerializer |
Deprecated. |
Terms |
TermSerializer |
A json serializer that turns dwc terms into their full qualified term name.
ThreatStatus |
The IUCN threat status.
Trim |
Indicates that the field is suitable for String trimming.
Type |
TypeDesignationType |
A vocabulary to be used for reasons for a type designation of a specimen or name.
TypeSpecimen |
TypeSpecimen Model originally designed for both specimens and types, including type specimens, type species and type genera and simple
specimens unrelated to types.
TypeSpecimenService |
Service interface for TypeSpecimen Interface methods.
TypeStatus |
Deprecated. |
UnicodeUtils |
Utilities dealing with unicode strings
UnknownTerm |
UnparsableException |
Exception thrown when a scientific name cannot be parsed.
URIValidator |
Constrain validator that validates URI objects with a @HttpURI annotation.
User |
UserId |
User ID for GRSciColl contacts.
UserPrincipal |
UserRole |
Roles here shall not be defined in AppRole (validated by unit test).
UserService |
Deprecated. |
ValidEmail |
Annotation to indicate that an email has to be valid.
VerbatimNameUsage |
VerbatimOccurrence |
An extended map holding all core terms of an occurrence record.
VerbatimTimePeriod |
A verbatim (e.g.
VerbatimTimePeriodType |
The definition of the available contact types.
VernacularName |
VernacularName Model Object represents a vernacular name for a scientific taxon.
VernacularNameService |
Service interface for VernacularName Interface methods.
ViafValidator |
Vocabulary |
Marker annotation to declare a controlled vocabulary exists in the GBIF vocabulary server.
VocabularyUtils |
Wgs84GeoPositioningTerm |
All WGS84 Geo Positioning terms with namespace
WikidataValidator |
WithinPredicate |
This predicate checks if an occurrence location falls within the given WKT geometry value .
WorkflowStep |
Models a step in a Pipeline workflow.
XmpRightsTerm |
Terms for Adobe XMP have URIs that are not resolvable.
XmpTerm |
Terms for Adobe XMP have URIs that are not resolvable.