Interface CollectionEntityService<T extends CollectionEntity>

    • Method Detail

      • replace

        void replace​(UUID entityToReplaceKey,
                     UUID replacementKey)
        Replaces a entity with another. The entity replaced is also deleted.
      • findByMasterSource

        List<TfindByMasterSource​(Source source,
                                   String sourceId)
        Finds the collection entity whose master data metadata matches with the parameters received.
        source - source of the metadata
        sourceId - source Id of the metadata
        Optional with the collection entity found
      • update

        void update​(@NotNull @Valid
                    T entity,
                    boolean lockFields)
        Updates an existing entity.
        entity - that will replace the existing entity.
        lockFields - indicates if fields that come from an external master source has to be locked.