Enum Class NomenclaturalStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<NomenclaturalStatus>, Constable

Vocabulary for the nomenclatural status of a name.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    A name which violated the Code in operation at that time.
    An alternative name given in the original publication before 1953 based on the same type.
    Ambiguous name, one which has been used so long by different authors in different senses that it has become a persistent cause of error and confusion.
    A rejected name that is based on a type consisting of two or more entirely discordant elements, so that it is difficult to select a satisfactory lectotype.
    A scientific name that enjoys special nomenclatural protection, i.e.
    A proposed conserved name.
    Corrected names or 'improved' names, available names which are mandatory and allowable emendations of imperfect names (qv) or of taxonomic names higher than family (which are not subject to name form and ending regulations).
    denied names, unavailable names which are incorrect original spellings as defined by the Code.
    A name of uncertain sense, of doubtful validity.
    a name that has not been used in the scientific community for more than fifty years after its original proposal.
    A nomen illegitimum is a validly published name, but one that contravenes some of the articles laid down by the International Botanical Congress.
    A name that was not validly published according to the rules of the code, or a name that was not accepted by the author in the original publication, for example, if the name was suggested as a synonym of an accepted name.
    The name is a new combination, i.e.
    The original combination of a newly described genus.
    The original combination of a newly described species.
    A nomen nudum (plural nomina nuda) is used for a name which is unavailable because it does not have a description, reference or indication (specifically a name published before 1931 which fails to conform to Article 12, or after 1930 but fails to conform to Article 13).
    Null names, unavailable names which as defined by the Code are non demonstrably intentional changes of an original spelling i.e.
    A name, which was published in an obscure publication, was never widely used.
    The original combination of a newly described any name regardless of the rank.
    In botanical nomenclature, an orthographical variant (abbreviated orth.
    Protected names are conserved names applied to a name which has been given precedence over it unused senior synonym or senior homonym relegated to the status of nomen oblitum (see Article 23.9.2).
    Provisional name, a name proposed in anticipation of the future acceptance of the taxon concerned, or of a particular circumscription, position, or rank of the taxon (ICBN Art.
    Rejected / surpressed name.
    Name rejected outright, i.
    proposed rejected name on the basis of appendix V of ICBN
    proposed rejected name.
    A scientific name that is created specifically to replace a name which is a junior synonym or homonym.
    Formerly, a new taxon with a scant diagnosis/description (e.g., perennial; robust plant; large leaf; aromatic plant; fragrant flower; Red flowers; large fruits; etc.).
    A name superfluous when published, an unnecessary substitute name.
    Names in specified ranks included in publications listed as suppressed works (opera utique oppressa; App.
    A name that is correctly proposed according to the a Code of Nomenclature.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    fromString(String nomStatus)
    use NomStatusParser instead
    The abbreviated status name, often used in botany.
    Opposite of good and not doubtful.
    A vague grouping of nomenclatural status terms including all that can be used to name a correct/valid taxon.
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    compareTo, describeConstable, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final NomenclaturalStatus LEGITIMATE

      A name that is correctly proposed according to the a Code of Nomenclature. The different codes have various terminology for the same concept:
      • Zoology: available name
      • Botany: validly published name
      • BioCode: established name
      • Bacteria: validly published name
      An available name is not necessarily the correct name.
      See Also:

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus NEW_COMBINATION
      The name is a new combination, i.e. a name change involving the epithet of the basionym. ICBN: Name of the original author being kept within parantheses. A new name is introduced consisting of a new generic name for an earlier named species combined with the existing epitheton of said species. For exxample when Calymmatobacterium granulomatis was renamed Klebsiella granulomatis, it was referred to as Klebsiella granulomatis comb. nov. to denote it is a new combination.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus REPLACEMENT
      A scientific name that is created specifically to replace a name which is a junior synonym or homonym. New name designated when a name cannot be used for nomenclaturalpurposes and no type or original material exists. A name established expressly to replace an already established name. A nominal taxon denoted by a new replacement name (nomen novum) has the same name-bearing type as the nominal taxon denoted by the replaced name. ICZN: new name which is expressly proposed as a replacement name for a preoccupied name, automatically takes the same type and type locality. (= a replacement name or substitute name for a preoccupied name). Commonly applied to names proposed to replace junior homonyms. A name proposed as a substitute for a previously published name (ICBN Art. 7.3 and 33.4).

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus CONSERVED
      A scientific name that enjoys special nomenclatural protection, i.e. a name conserved in respective code. Names classed as available and valid by action of the ICZN or ICBN exercising its Plenary Powers . Includes rulings to conserve junior/later synonyms in place of rejected forgotten names (nomen oblitum). Such names are entered on the Official Lists.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus PROTECTED
      Protected names are conserved names applied to a name which has been given precedence over it unused senior synonym or senior homonym relegated to the status of nomen oblitum (see Article 23.9.2).

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus CORRECTED
      Corrected names or 'improved' names, available names which are mandatory and allowable emendations of imperfect names (qv) or of taxonomic names higher than family (which are not subject to name form and ending regulations). Do not depend on transfer in taxon rank or assignment. (= an emended name).

      The original combination of a newly described any name regardless of the rank.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus NEW_SPECIES
      The original combination of a newly described species. Specific type of ORIGINAL_COMBINATION.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus NEW_GENUS
      The original combination of a newly described genus. Specific type of ORIGINAL_COMBINATION.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus ALTERNATIVE
      An alternative name given in the original publication before 1953 based on the same type.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus OBSCURE
      A name, which was published in an obscure publication, was never widely used. In botanical literature, the name remained in obscurity. This has no influence on the formal evaluation of valid publication under ICBN. It may be valuable information nevertheless.

      A proposed conserved name. See CONSERVED.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus PROVISIONAL
      Provisional name, a name proposed in anticipation of the future acceptance of the taxon concerned, or of a particular circumscription, position, or rank of the taxon (ICBN Art. 34.1).

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus SUBNUDUM
      Formerly, a new taxon with a scant diagnosis/description (e.g., perennial; robust plant; large leaf; aromatic plant; fragrant flower; Red flowers; large fruits; etc.). Such short descriptions/diagnoses were termed as nom. subnud. Occasionally, a short diagnosis may be a key character providing an ID of a taxon. Formally, any arbitrary short description is valid under ICBN ("small fungus, spores not seen"). Thus the qualifiers "nom. ambig", "nom. confus.", "nom. obsc." and "nom. subnud.", are applicable either to a currently "botany: valid and legitimate" or "zoology: available" name, or are reasons given for "nom. rej."/"nom. utique rej.". The are not actual status codes, rather highlight potential problems.

      proposed rejected name. Temporary status until the next botanical congress decides about the proposal.

      proposed rejected name on the basis of appendix V of ICBN

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus DOUBTFUL
      A name of uncertain sense, of doubtful validity. E.g. the name Encephalartos tridentatus (Willdenow) Lehmann (Pugillus 6, 1834) is a nomen dubium which may refer to several species of Encephalartos or Macrozamia. ICZN: doubtful or dubious names, names which are not certainly applicable to any known taxon or for which the evidence is insufficient to permit recognition of the taxon to which they belong. May possess availability conducive to uncertainty and instability. Also 'names under enquiry': NOMEN INQUIRENDUM (NOMINA INQUIRENDA). In botany a name whose application is uncertain; the confusion being derived from an incomplete or confusing description. Example: Platanus hispanica auct., non Mill. ex Münchh., nom. dub. The application of the name Platanus hispanica is uncertain, so the name has been rejected in favour of Platanus ×acerifolia (Aiton) Willd., pro. sp.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus AMBIGUOUS
      Ambiguous name, one which has been used so long by different authors in different senses that it has become a persistent cause of error and confusion. It is used in senses other than originally intended, and thus the source of much confusion. A nom. ambig. is a rejected name. Example: Trifolium agrarium L., nom. ambig. The name Trifolium agrarium was misapplied to three taxa, so the name has been rejected in favour of the names Trifolium aureum Pollich, T. dubium Sibth., and T. campestre Schreb., each referring to different taxa.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus CONFUSED
      A rejected name that is based on a type consisting of two or more entirely discordant elements, so that it is difficult to select a satisfactory lectotype.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus FORGOTTEN
      a name that has not been used in the scientific community for more than fifty years after its original proposal. forgotten names, senior synonyms which have remained unused in the literature for many years. Have been treated differently by different editions of the Code, and remain unavailable names.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus ABORTED
      A name which violated the Code in operation at that time.

      In botanical nomenclature, an orthographical variant (abbreviated orth. var.) is a variant spelling of the same name. For example, Hieronima and Hyeronima are orthographical variants of Hieronyma. One of the spellings must be treated as the correct one. In this case, the spelling Hieronyma has been conserved and is to be used as the correct spelling. An inadvertent use of one of the other spellings has no consequences: the name is to be treated as if it were correctly spelled. Any subsequent use is to be corrected. Orthographical variants are treated in Art 61 of the ICBN. In zoology, orthographical variants in the formal sense do not exist; a misspelling or orthographic error is treated as a lapsus, a form of inadvertent error. The first reviser is allowed to choose one variant for mandatory further use, but in other ways, these errors generally have no further formal standing. Inadvertent misspellings are treated in Art. 32-33 of the ICZN.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus SUPERFLUOUS
      A name superfluous when published, an unnecessary substitute name. In botany a name for which a validly published name existed previously and should have been adopted, thus the name is deemed nomenclaturally superfluous. Example: Astragalus astragalinus (Hook.) Á. & D. Löve, nom. illeg. superfl. The GRIN database reports that the combination Astragalus astragalinus (Hook.) Á.& D. Löve, is a superfluous name, based on an incorrect basionym, see R.C. Barneby, Taxon, 25(5-6): 628 (1976). The correct basionym is Phaca astragalina DC., not Astragalus astragalinus (DC.) Hook. This taxon is a synonym of Astragalus alpinus L.
    • NUDUM

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus NUDUM
      A nomen nudum (plural nomina nuda) is used for a name which is unavailable because it does not have a description, reference or indication (specifically a name published before 1931 which fails to conform to Article 12, or after 1930 but fails to conform to Article 13). Nomina nuda and other unavailable names can be made available if they are published again in a way that meets the criteria of availability; however, they are attributed to the author who first made them available, not the person who first used them.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus NULL_NAME
      Null names, unavailable names which as defined by the Code are non demonstrably intentional changes of an original spelling i.e. a form of incorrect subsequent spelling.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus SUPPRESSED
      Names in specified ranks included in publications listed as suppressed works (opera utique oppressa; App. VI) are not validly published.

      Name rejected outright, i. e. without proposing another name to be conserved in favor of this name (nomen utique rejiciendum). This status applies to explicitly listed protonym names as well as to any combinations based on the protonym. See ICBN (Art. 56.1, Appendix V) because otherwise it would cause a disadvantageous nomenclatural change. Example: Cerastium vulgatum L. 1755, non 1762, nom. utique rej. For a discussion on why this name was rejected, see Brummitt 2000. Taxon 49 (2): 262.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus REJECTED
      Rejected / surpressed name. Inverse of conserved against

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus ILLEGITIMATE
      A nomen illegitimum is a validly published name, but one that contravenes some of the articles laid down by the International Botanical Congress. The name could be illegitimate because:
      • (article 52) it was superfluous at its time of publication, i.e., the taxon (as represented by the type) already has a name
      • (articles 53 and 54) the name has already been applied to another plant (a homonym)
      For the procedure of rejecting otherwise legitimate names, see conserved name.

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus INVALID
      A name that was not validly published according to the rules of the code, or a name that was not accepted by the author in the original publication, for example, if the name was suggested as a synonym of an accepted name. In zoology this is called an UNAVAILABLE name. Example: Linaria vulgaris Hill, nom. inval. Many names published by John Hill between 1753 and 1757 were not accepted as validly published.
    • DENIED

      public static final NomenclaturalStatus DENIED
      denied names, unavailable names which are incorrect original spellings as defined by the Code. Subset of nom.inval. based only on spellings
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static NomenclaturalStatus[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static NomenclaturalStatus valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • fromString

      @Deprecated public static NomenclaturalStatus fromString(String nomStatus)
      use NomStatusParser instead
      Tries to case insenitively interpret a nomenclatural status given as a string appliying the enums name, the latin and abbreviated name of a term.
      nomStatus -
    • getLatinLabel

    • getAbbreviatedLabel

      @Nullable public String getAbbreviatedLabel()
      The abbreviated status name, often used in botany. For example nom. inval.
    • isGood

      public boolean isGood()
      A vague grouping of nomenclatural status terms including all that can be used to name a correct/valid taxon. Specifically avoid the confusing terms valid, accepted or correct here as they mean different things in the different codes.
    • isDoubtful

      public boolean isDoubtful()
    • isBad

      public boolean isBad()
      Opposite of good and not doubtful.