Interface CubeService

  • public interface CubeService
    The cube API service, for reading addressable counts from a basic cube.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        long get​(ReadBuilder addressBuilder)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Using the supplied ReadBuilder to obtain the address, looks up the cube value. Should the cube support no dimensions (e.g. count all), then calling with an empty ReadBuilder will return this. E.g. cubeService.get(new ReadBuilder());
        addressBuilder - To obtain the address at which to look up from the cube
        The value which might be 0. A value of 0 means that the count is truly at 0
        IllegalArgumentException - Should the addressBuilder provide an address that does not exist in the cube
      • getSchema

        Provides the list of rollups thus specifying the available combinations of addressable dimensions for a cube.
        The schema for the cube (defined by the queryable addresses)