Package org.gbif.api.model.predicate
Class WithinPredicate
- java.lang.Object
- org.gbif.api.model.predicate.WithinPredicate
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class WithinPredicate extends Object implements Predicate
This predicate checks if an occurrence location falls within the given WKT geometryvalue
.- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description WithinPredicate(String geometry)
Builds a new within predicate for a single, simple geometry as Well Known Text (WKT).
Constructor Detail
public WithinPredicate(String geometry)
Builds a new within predicate for a single, simple geometry as Well Known Text (WKT). Multi geometries like MULTIPOLYGON are not supported and multiple predicates should be used instead.
The validation implemented does a basic syntax check for the following simple geometries, but does not verify that the resulting geometries are topologically valid (see the OGC SFS specification).- POINT
- Parameters: