Enum Rank

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Rank>

    public enum Rank
    extends Enum<Rank>
    An ordered taxonomic rank enumeration with the most frequently used values. Several static methods, lists, sets and maps are provided to help with ordering and lookup from strings.
    See Also:
    rs.gbif.org vocabulary
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • LEGION

        public static final Rank LEGION
        Sometimes used in zoology, e.g. for birds and mammals
      • COHORT

        public static final Rank COHORT
        Sometimes used in zoology, e.g. for birds and mammals

        public static final Rank SUPRAGENERIC_NAME
        Used for any other unspecific rank above genera.

        public static final Rank INFRAGENERIC_NAME
        used for any other unspecific rank below genera and above species.

        public static final Rank SPECIES_AGGREGATE
        A loosely defined group of species. Zoology: Aggregate - a group of species, other than a subgenus, within a genus. An aggregate may be denoted by a group name interpolated in parentheses. The Berlin/MoreTax model notes: [these] aren't taxonomic ranks but cirumscriptions because on the one hand they are necessary for the concatenation of the fullname and on the other hand they are necessary for distinguishing the aggregate or species group from the microspecies.

        public static final Rank INFRASPECIFIC_NAME
        used for any other unspecific rank below species.
      • GREX

        public static final Rank GREX
        The term grex has been coined to expand botanical nomenclature to describe hybrids of orchids. Grex names are one of the three categories of plant names governed by the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants Within a grex the Groups category can be used to refer to plants by their shared characteristics (rather than by their parentage), and individual orchid plants can be selected (and propagated) and named as cultivars https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grex_(horticulture)

        public static final Rank CULTIVAR_GROUP
        Rank in use from the code for cultivated plants. It does not use a classic rank marker but indicated the Group rank after the actual groups name For example Rhododendron boothii Mishmiense Group or Primula Border Auricula Group Sometimes authors also used the words "sort", "type", "selections" or "hybrids" instead of Group which is not legal according to the code.

        public static final Rank CONVARIETY
        A group of cultivars. These can be roughly comparable to cultivar groups, but convarieties, unlike cultivar groups, do not necessarily contain named varieties, and convarieties are members of traditional "Linnaean" ranks. The ICNCP replaced this term with the term cultivar-group, and convarieties should not be used in modern cultivated plant taxonomy. From Spooner et al., Horticultural Reviews 28 (2003): 1-60

        public static final Rank INFRASUBSPECIFIC_NAME
        used also for any other unspecific rank below subspecies.
      • PROLES

        public static final Rank PROLES
        Botanical legacy rank
      • RACE

        public static final Rank RACE
        Botanical legacy rank
      • NATIO

        public static final Rank NATIO
        Zoological legacy rank

        public static final Rank ABERRATION
        Zoological legacy rank
      • MORPH

        public static final Rank MORPH
        Zoological legacy rank
      • BIOVAR

        public static final Rank BIOVAR
        Microbial rank based on biochemical or physiological properties. See Bacteriological Code For example Francisella tularensis biovar tularensis
      • CHEMOVAR

        public static final Rank CHEMOVAR
        Microbial rank based on production or amount of production of a particular chemical. See Bacteriological Code For example Vibrio alginolyticus chemovar iophagus

        public static final Rank MORPHOVAR
        Microbial rank based on morphological characterislics. See Bacteriological Code For example Acinetobacter junii morphovar I
      • PHAGOVAR

        public static final Rank PHAGOVAR
        Microbial infrasubspecific rank based on reactions to bacteriophage. See Bacteriological Code For example Staphyloccocus aureus phagovar 42D
      • SEROVAR

        public static final Rank SEROVAR
        Microbial infrasubspecific rank based on antigenic characteristics. See Bacteriological Code For example Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin

        public static final Rank CHEMOFORM
        Microbial infrasubspecific rank based on chemical constitution. See Bacteriological Code For example Thymus vulgaris ct. geraniol

        public static final Rank FORMA_SPECIALIS
        Microbial infrasubspecific rank. A parasitic, symbiotic, or commensal microorganism distinguished primarily by adaptation to a particular host or habitat. Named preferably by the scientific name of the host in the genitive. See Bacteriological Code For example Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae
      • STRAIN

        public static final Rank STRAIN
        A microbial strain.
      • OTHER

        public static final Rank OTHER
        Any other rank we cannot map to this enumeration
    • Field Detail

      • DWC_RANKS

        public static final List<Rank> DWC_RANKS
        An ordered list of all ranks that appear in Darwin Core with their own term.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Rank[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Rank c : Rank.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Rank valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • isInfraspecific

        public boolean isInfraspecific()
        true for infraspecific ranks.
      • isInfrasubspecific

        public boolean isInfrasubspecific()
        true for infra subspecific ranks.
      • isInfrageneric

        public boolean isInfrageneric()
        true for rank is below genus. Also incluse species and infraspecific ranks
      • isInfragenericStrictly

        public boolean isInfragenericStrictly()
        true for real infrageneric ranks with an infragenericEpithet below genus and above species aggregate.
      • isLinnean

        public boolean isLinnean()
        True for all mayor Linnéan ranks, ie kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus and species.
      • isSuprageneric

        public boolean isSuprageneric()
        true if the rank is above genus.
      • isSupraspecific

        public boolean isSupraspecific()
        true if the rank is above rank species.
      • isUncomparable

        public boolean isUncomparable()
        True for names of informal ranks that represent a range of ranks really and therefore cannot safely be compared to other ranks in all cases. Example ranks are INFRASPECIFIC_NAME or INFRAGENERIC_NAME
        true if uncomparable
      • isLegacy

        public boolean isLegacy()
        true if the rank is considered a legacy rank not used anymore in current nomenclature.
      • higherThan

        public boolean higherThan​(Rank other)
        true if this rank is higher than the given other