Class DatasetKey

  • public class DatasetKey
    extends Object
    A typed dataset key for both registered and external datasets. External dataset keys are compound keys based on the originating network UUID key and a free String based local identifier. The compound external datasetKey is structured as follows in its serialized form:
    This class is intended as a utility class, lacks mutability and therefore is not suitable serialization via Jackson!
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatasetKey

        public DatasetKey​(UUID datasetKey)
        Constructor for a registered dataset key.
      • DatasetKey

        public DatasetKey​(UUID networkKey,
                          String datasetId)
        Constructor for an external dataset key.
        networkKey - of the originating network
        datasetId - the local dataset id within the network
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        public static DatasetKey fromString​(String key)
        Parses a datasetKey which can be either a compound external key or a simple UUID for registered datasets.
        key - a simple registered dataset uuid key or an external compound dataset key
        a valid DatasetKey instance
        IllegalArgumentException - for invalid external or registered dataset keys
      • getRegistryKey

        public UUID getRegistryKey()
        A registered UUID of either a dataset or the network of origin in the case of external datasets.
        the registered network or dataset key
      • getDatasetId

        public String getDatasetId()
        the local identifier of an external dataset key or null if its a registered dataset
      • toDatasetKey

        public String toDatasetKey()
        Generates the serialized dataset key as used in the Dataset class.
        the serialized dataset key