Class NameUsage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LinneanClassification, LinneanClassificationKeys
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class NameUsage
    extends Object
    implements LinneanClassification, LinneanClassificationKeys
    A usage of a scientific name according to one particular Checklist including the GBIF Taxonomic Backbone, the NUB. It is shown as species in the portal and API.
    Backbone (NUB) usages have key==nubKey. Backbone usages can also be detected by either the NameUsage.isNub() method or by manually comparing the datasetKey with the fixed backbone datasetKey, see Constants.NUB_DATASET_KEY.
    Name usages from other checklists with names that also exist in the backbone will have a nubKey that points to the related usage in the NUB.
    To store not eagerly loaded subresources such as vernacular names or synonyms with a usage please use the NameUsageContainer class.