Class PagingResponse<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getCount

        public Long getCount()
        Gets the count of total results of search operation.
      • setCount

        public void setCount​(Long count)
        Sets the total count for all results, not only the ones in this response page. The method will not set endOfRecords automatically.
      • getResults

        public List<TgetResults()
        Gets the list of results. The type of element of the result are defined by the parameter class type T.
        the results list.
      • setResults

        public void setResults​(List<T> results)
        Sets the list of results for the response. This method will not modify the endOfRecords flag.
      • isEndOfRecords

        public boolean isEndOfRecords()
        Flag indicating whether more records do exist. If the property has never been manually initialised, the flag is determined automatically. If the total count is set it is used to determine the return value. If only the result is given, we consider a result size equal to limit as an indication that there are (potentially at least) more results.
        true if all records have been returned otherwise null.
      • setEndOfRecords

        public void setEndOfRecords​(boolean endOfRecords)
        Manually sets the end of records flag. Setting the flag to true or false deactivates the automatic calculation in #isEndOfRecords().