Interface ContactService

    • Method Detail

      • addContactPerson

        int addContactPerson​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull UUID entityKey,
                             @NotNull @Valid
                             @NotNull @Valid Contact contact)
        Adds a Contact contact to an entity.
        entityKey - key of the entity where the contact will be added to.
        contact - key of the contact to add.
      • updateContactPerson

        void updateContactPerson​(@NotNull
                                 @NotNull UUID entityKey,
                                 @NotNull @Valid
                                 @NotNull @Valid Contact contact)
        Updates a Contact contact in an entity.
        entityKey - key of the entity where the contact will be updated.
        contact - updated contact.
      • removeContactPerson

        void removeContactPerson​(@NotNull
                                 @NotNull UUID entityKey,
                                 @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull int contactKey)
        Removes a Contact contact from an entity.
        entityKey - key of the entity where the contact will be removed from.
        contactKey - key of the contact to remove.
      • replaceContactPersons

        void replaceContactPersons​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull UUID entityKey,
                                   List<@Valid Contact> newContactPersons)
        Removes all the contacts from an entity.
        entityKey - key of the entity where the contact will be removed from.
        newContactPersons - contact persons that will replace the existing ones.
      • addSuggestionContacts

        <T extends CollectionEntity> void addSuggestionContacts​(@NotNull
                                                                @NotNull UUID entityKey,
                                                                @NotNull ChangeSuggestion<T> changeSuggestion)
        Adds a Contact IH contact to an entity.
        entityKey - key of the entity where the contact will be added to.
        changeSuggestion - suggestion to get contacts from