Class VernacularName

    • Method Detail

      • getArea

        public String getArea()
        The area for the vernacular name.
        the area
      • setArea

        public void setArea​(String area)
        area - the area to set
      • getCountry

        public Country getCountry()
        The country in which the vernacular name is used.
        the country
      • setCountry

        public void setCountry​(Country country)
        country - the country to set
      • getLanguage

        public Language getLanguage()
        ISO 639-1 language code used for the vernacular name value.

        Example: es

        the language
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(Language language)
        language - the language to set
      • getLifeStage

        public LifeStage getLifeStage()
        The age class or life stage of the species for which the vernacular name applies. Best practice is to utilise a controlled list of terms for this value.

        Example: "juvenile" is the life stage of the fish Pomatomus saltatrix for which the name "snapper blue" refers.

        the lifeStage
        See Also:
        Life Stage GBIF Vocabulary
      • setLifeStage

        public void setLifeStage​(LifeStage lifeStage)
        lifeStage - the lifeStage to set
      • getSex

        public Sex getSex()
        The sex (gender) of the taxon for which the vernacular name applies when the vernacular name is limited to a specific gender of a species. If not limited sex should be empty. For example the vernacular name "Buck" applies to the "Male" gender of the species, Odocoileus virginianus.

        Example: male.

        the sex
        See Also:
        Sex GBIF Vocabulary
      • setSex

        public void setSex​(Sex sex)
        sex - the sex to set
      • getSource

        public String getSource()
        Bibliographic citation referencing a source where the vernacular name refers to the cited species.

        Example: Peterson Field Guide to the Eastern Seashore, Houghton Mifflin Co, 1961, p131.

        Specified by:
        getSource in interface NameUsageExtension
        the source
      • getVernacularName

        public @NotNull String getVernacularName()
        A common or vernacular name.

        Example: Andean Condor", "Condor Andino", "American Eagle", "Gänsegeier".

        the vernacularName
      • setVernacularName

        public void setVernacularName​(String vernacularName)
        vernacularName - the vernacularName to set
      • isPlural

        public Boolean isPlural()
        This value is true if the vernacular name it qualifies refers to a plural form of the name.

        Example: The term "Schoolies" is the plural form of a name used along the coastal Northeastern U.S. for groups of juvenile fish of the species, Morone saxatilis.

        the plural
        See Also:
        Boolean Vocabulary
      • setPlural

        public void setPlural​(Boolean plural)
        plural - the plural to set
      • isPreferred

        public Boolean isPreferred()
        This term is true if the source citing the use of this vernacular name indicates the usage has some preference or specific standing over other possible vernacular names used for the species.

        Example: Some organisations have attempted to assign specific and unique vernacular names for particular taxon groups in a systematic attempt to bring order and consistency to the use of these names. For example, the American Ornithological Union assigns the name "Pearl Kite" for the taxon, Gampsonyx swainsonii. The value of isPreferredName for this record would be true.

        the preferred
        See Also:
        Boolean Vocabulary
      • setPreferred

        public void setPreferred​(Boolean preferred)
        preferred - the preferred to set