Class ParsedName

  • public class ParsedName
    extends Object
    A container of a taxon name that is atomised into its relevant, separate parts.
    Hybrid formulas that consist of multiple genera, binomials or species epithets are relatively poorly represented. A simple boolean flag indicates a hybrid formula, e.g. Polygala vulgaris × Polygala epinema but not named hybrids that are have an × or notho as part of a well-formed mono/bi/trinomial e.g. ×Polygala vulgaris. In the case of hybrid formulas, i.e. isHybrid=true, the first name in the formula is tried to be kept, at least the genus.

    A container of a taxon name that is only atomised into three name parts maximum plus rank and a notho property indicating the name part of named hybrids that is considered to be the hybrid. No authorship is kept. For subgenera we don't use parentheses to indicate the subgenus, but use explicit rank markers instead.

    • Method Detail

      • getAuthorship

        public String getAuthorship()
        The original author of this name, e.g. basionym or recombination author
      • getBracketAuthorship

        public String getBracketAuthorship()
        The authorship of the original name, i.e. basionym, given in brackets.
      • getBracketYear

        public String getBracketYear()
        The code relevant year of publication of the original name, i.e. basionym, given in brackets.
      • getCultivarEpithet

        public String getCultivarEpithet()
        The cultivar, cultivar group or grex part of a cultivated plant name. If given the name should be of type NameType.CULTIVAR
      • getGenusOrAbove

        public String getGenusOrAbove()
        The genus part of a bi/trinomial or the monomial in case of names of higher ranks
      • getInfraGeneric

        public String getInfraGeneric()
        The infrageneric part of a name, often given in parentheses between genus and species epithet, e.g. for a subgenus
      • getNomStatus

        public String getNomStatus()
        Any nomenclatoral remarks given in this name, e.g. nom. illeg.
      • getNotho

        public NamePart getNotho()
        For hybrid names notho indicates which part of the name is considered a hybrid, i.e. genus, species or infraspecific epithet.
      • getSensu

        public String getSensu()
        Taxon concept references as part of the name, e.g. "MSW2005" for Gorilla gorilla (Savage, 1847) sec. MSW2005
      • getTerminalEpithet

        public String getTerminalEpithet()
        the terminal epithet, infraspecific epithet if existing, the species epithet or null
      • getType

        public NameType getType()
        A coarse classification of names helping to deal with different syntactical name string structures.
      • getYear

        public String getYear()
        The year of publication as given in the authorship.
      • getScientificName

        public String getScientificName()
        The exact verbatim, full scientific name as given before parsing.
      • isParsedPartially

        public boolean isParsedPartially()
        The GBIF name parser cannot always parse the entire name. This is often the case when taxonomic, nomenclatural or identification notes are added to the end of the name. In such cases when the name was only partially parsed (NameUsageIssue.PARTIALLY_PARSABLE) this flag should be true. If the name was not parsed at all this will be false.
        true if name was only partially parsed, false otherwise
      • isParsed

        public boolean isParsed()
        A flag indicating if a name could not be parsed at all. If false, only the scientific name, rank and potentially the name type is given.
      • setParsed

        public void setParsed​(boolean parsed)
      • authorshipComplete

        public String authorshipComplete()
        The full concatenated authorship or null if it is a hybrid
      • buildName

        public String buildName​(boolean hybridMarker,
                                boolean rankMarker,
                                boolean authorship,
                                boolean infrageneric,
                                boolean genusForInfrageneric,
                                boolean abbreviateGenus,
                                boolean decomposition,
                                boolean asciiOnly,
                                boolean showIndet,
                                boolean nomNote,
                                boolean remarks,
                                boolean showSensu,
                                boolean showCultivar,
                                boolean showStrain)
        build a name controlling all available flags for name parts to be included in the resulting name.
        hybridMarker - include the hybrid marker with the name if existing
        rankMarker - include the infraspecific or infrageneric rank marker with the name if existing
        authorship - include the names authorship (authorteam and year)
        infrageneric - include the infrageneric name in brackets for species or infraspecies
        genusForInfrageneric - include the genus name in front of an infrageneric name (not a species)
        abbreviateGenus - if true abreviate the genus with its first character
        decomposition - decompose unicode ligatures into their corresponding ascii ones, e.g. æ beomes ae
        asciiOnly - transform unicode letters into their corresponding ascii ones, e.g. ø beomes o and ü u
        showIndet - if true include the rank marker for incomplete determinations, for example Puma spec.
        nomNote - include nomenclatural notes
        remarks - include informal remarks
      • canonicalName

        public String canonicalName()
        The canonical name sensu strictu with nothing else but 3 name parts at max (genus, species, infraspecific). No rank or hybrid markers and no authorship, cultivar or strain information. Infrageneric names are represented without a leading genus. Unicode characters will be replaced by their matching ASCII characters.

        For example: Abies alba Abies alba alpina Abies Bracteata Heucherella tiarelloides

        the 1, 2 or 3 parted name as a single string
      • canonicalNameWithMarker

        public String canonicalNameWithMarker()
        The code-compliant, canonical name with three name parts at max (genus, species, infraspecific), a rank marker for infraspecific names and cultivar or strain epithets. The canonical name can be a 1, 2 or 3 parted name, but does not include any informal notes or authorships. Notho taxa will have the hybrid marker. Unicode characters will be replaced by their matching ASCII characters.

        For example: Abies alba Abies alba subsp. alpina Abies sect. Bracteata ×Heucherella tiarelloides

        the 1,2 or 3 parted name as a single string
      • canonicalNameComplete

        public String canonicalNameComplete()
        The code-compliant, canonical name with rank and hybrid marker, authorship and cultivar or strain name included. Informal or nomenclatoral notes, concept references, subgenus and non-terminal authorships are removed.
        the 1,2 or 3 parted name as a single string
      • canonicalSpeciesName

        public String canonicalSpeciesName()
        the species binomial if this parsed name is a species or below. Or null in case its superspecific
      • fullName

        public String fullName()
        the name with all details that exist.
      • getRank

        public Rank getRank()
        rank as enumeration or null
      • isIndetermined

        public boolean isIndetermined()
        true for names with an infraspecifc rank but missing lowest name part. E.g. Coccyzuz americanus ssp. or Asteraceae spec. but not Maxillaria sect. Acaules
      • isRecombination

        public boolean isRecombination()
        true if a bracket authorship is given, indicating that the name has been subsequently recombined.