Interface NetworkService

    • Method Detail

      • listConstituents

                                                 @NotNull UUID networkKey,
                                                 Pageable page)
        Pages through dataset constituents of a network, i.e. returns datasets which have an entry in the dataset_network table.
        networkKey - the network identifier
      • addConstituent

        void addConstituent​(@NotNull
                            @NotNull UUID networkKey,
                            @NotNull UUID datasetKey)
        Adds an existing dataset to the list of constituents of a network.
        networkKey - the network to add the dataset to
        datasetKey - the dataset to be added
      • removeConstituent

        void removeConstituent​(@NotNull
                               @NotNull UUID networkKey,
                               @NotNull UUID datasetKey)
        Removes an existing constituent dataset from a network.
        networkKey - the network to remove the dataset from
        datasetKey - the dataset to be removed