Interface NetworkService

All Superinterfaces:
CommentService, ContactService, EndpointService, IdentifierService, MachineTagService, NetworkEntityService<Network>, TagService

public interface NetworkService extends NetworkEntityService<Network>
  • Method Details

    • listConstituents

      PagingResponse<Dataset> listConstituents(@NotNull @NotNull UUID networkKey, @Nullable Pageable page)
      Pages through dataset constituents of a network, i.e. returns datasets which have an entry in the dataset_network table.
      networkKey - the network identifier
    • publishingOrganizations

      PagingResponse<Organization> publishingOrganizations(@NotNull @NotNull UUID networkKey, @Nullable Pageable page)
      Pages through publishing organizations of a network.
      networkKey - the network identifier
    • addConstituent

      void addConstituent(@NotNull @NotNull UUID networkKey, @NotNull @NotNull UUID datasetKey)
      Adds an existing dataset to the list of constituents of a network.
      networkKey - the network to add the dataset to
      datasetKey - the dataset to be added
    • removeConstituent

      void removeConstituent(@NotNull @NotNull UUID networkKey, @NotNull @NotNull UUID datasetKey)
      Removes an existing constituent dataset from a network.
      networkKey - the network to remove the dataset from
      datasetKey - the dataset to be removed
    • suggest

      Provides a simple suggest service.
    • list

      Provides paging service to list networks that can be filtered by multiple parameters.
      searchParams - NetworkRequestSearchParams
      list of networks ordered by creation date with the latest coming first