DatasetMetrics |
Simple metrics about a single, processed checklist dataset in time.
Description |
Description Model Object represents a taxon description.
Distribution |
Distribution Model Object represents a species distribution.
NameUsage |
A usage of a scientific name according to one particular Checklist including the GBIF Taxonomic Backbone,
the NUB.
NameUsageContainer |
An extension to a NameUsage adding all further properties that are not eagerly loaded.
NameUsageMatch |
The resulting lookup of a name usage match.
NameUsageMediaObject |
An extension to the common MediaObject that adds a source taxon key property from checklistbank.
NameUsageMetrics |
Basic metrics for a single name usage.
ParsedName |
A container of a taxon name that is atomised into its relevant, separate parts.
Reference |
Reference Model Object represents a literature reference stating a bibliography for a taxon.
SpeciesProfile |
SpeciesProfile Model Object represents a species profile which describes basic species characteristics.
TableOfContents |
A simple class to represent a table of contents for multiple languages.
TypeSpecimen |
TypeSpecimen Model originally designed for both specimens and types, including type specimens, type species and type genera and simple
specimens unrelated to types.
VerbatimNameUsage |
VernacularName |
VernacularName Model Object represents a vernacular name for a scientific taxon.