AgentIdentifierType |
Enumeration for user identifiers like ORCID, WIKIDATA and etc
AppRole |
Role(s) that can be assigned to authenticated application.
BasisOfRecord |
A simple enumeration of all DarwinCore values of BasisOfRecord legal for occurrences.
CitesAppendix |
Vocabulary for the 3 CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
Appendix numbers.
ContactType |
Enumeration for all contact types.
Continent |
Country |
An enumeration for all current ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 country codes.
CountryUsageSortField |
Fields to sort by the country usages in an occurrence download.
DatasetSubtype |
Enumeration for all possible dataset subtypes.
DatasetType |
Enumeration for all possible dataset types.
DatasetUsageSortField |
Fields to sort by the dataset usages in an occurrence download.
DistributionStatus |
A statement about the presence or absence of a Taxon at a Location.
EndpointType |
Enumeration for all endpoint types.
EstablishmentMeans |
Deprecated. |
Extension |
Enumeration of dwc extensions for both Occurrence and Taxon that are indexed by GBIF.
GbifRegion |
An enumeration for all GBIF Regions.
Habitat |
Very coarse habitat vocabulary matching the boolean biome flags found in the species profile extension.
IdentifierType |
Enumeration for all possible identifier types.
InstallationType |
Enumeration for all possible installation types.
InterpretationRemarkSeverity |
Severity of an InterpretationRemark.
Kingdom |
A simple enumeration of all kingdoms found in the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy and also Catalogue of Life.
Language |
Enumeration for all ISO 639-1 language codes using 2 lower case letters.
License |
Enumeration of the set of licenses GBIF supports for applying to a dataset.
LifeStage |
Deprecated. |
MaintenanceUpdateFrequency |
Enumeration for describing the frequency with which changes and additions are made to the dataset after the initial
dataset is completed.
MediaType |
MetadataType |
Enumeration for all possible metadata types.
NamePart |
Enumeration to indicate a part of a canonical scientific name.
NameType |
A short classification of scientific name strings used in Checklist Bank.
NameUsageIssue |
Enumeration of issues for each name usage record encountered during checklist processing.
NodeType |
Enumeration for all possible node types.
NomenclaturalCode |
Enumeration representing the different nomenclatoral codes found in biology for scientific names.
NomenclaturalStatus |
Vocabulary for the nomenclatural status of a name.
OccurrenceIssue |
An enumeration of validation rules for single occurrence records.
OccurrencePersistenceStatus |
These are the possible states of an Occurrence as it moves through the processing and persistence chain.
OccurrenceSchemaType |
The slightly simplified standard schemas that a crawled occurrence record could be built in.
OccurrenceStatus |
A statement about the presence or absence of an occurrence at a location at a time.
OrganizationUsageSortField |
Fields to sort by the organization usages in an occurrence download.
Origin |
Enumeration to classify name usages by how they originated.
ParticipationStatus |
Enumeration for all of GBIF's participation statuses.
PreservationMethodType |
The definition of the available preservation method types (the method used to preserve specimens).
ProcessingErrorType |
Deprecated. |
Rank |
An ordered taxonomic rank enumeration with the most frequently used values.
RelationType |
Sex |
Deprecated. |
SortOrder |
TagName |
TagNamespace |
Known namespaces for tags.
TaxonomicStatus |
The taxonomic status of a taxon.
TechnicalInstallationType |
ThreatStatus |
The IUCN threat status.
TypeDesignationType |
A vocabulary to be used for reasons for a type designation of a specimen or name.
TypeStatus |
Deprecated. |
UserRole |
Roles here shall not be defined in AppRole (validated by unit test).