Interface NameUsageService

  • public interface NameUsageService
    This is the public interface providing methods for retrieving name usages in general, no matter if nub or checklist usage.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • get

        NameUsage get​(int taxonKey,
                      Locale locale)
        Attempt to find a name usage matching the passed key. The given Locale determines the name used for the NameUsage.vernacularName property with null ignoring any vernacular name.
        taxonKey - that identifies a name usage
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage. Use null to not load any common name
        a matching name usage, or null if no name usage found
      • getParsedName

        ParsedName getParsedName​(int taxonKey)
        Gets the parsed name representation of a given name usage.
        taxonKey - that identifies a name usage
        the parsed name of the name usage or null if none can be found
      • getMetrics

        NameUsageMetrics getMetrics​(int taxonKey)
        Gets the metrics for a given name usage.
        taxonKey - that identifies a name usage
        the usage metrics of the name usage or null if none can be found
      • getVerbatim

        VerbatimNameUsage getVerbatim​(int taxonKey)
        Returns the verbatim data for the usage or null if its a generated usage having no verbatim data. This happens for all nub usages and some other usages which have a non SOURCE origin.
        verbatim data for the usage or null
      • list

        PagingResponse<NameUsagelist​(Locale locale,
                                       UUID datasetKey,
                                       String sourceId,
                                       Pageable page)
        Page through all usages across all or one checklists.
        datasetKey - the optional checklist key to limit paging to.
        sourceId - the optional checklist key to limit paging to.
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        page - paging parameters or null for first page with default size
        Paged list of usages
      • listByCanonicalName

        PagingResponse<NameUsagelistByCanonicalName​(Locale locale,
                                                      String canonicalName,
                                                      Pageable page,
                                                      UUID... datasetKey)
        Page through all usages with a given canonical name across all or some checklists.
        canonicalName - the canonical name of a name usage.
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        datasetKey - the optional list of checklist keys to limit paging to.
        page - paging parameters or null for first page with default size
        Paged list of usages matching the exact canonical name
      • listChildren

        PagingResponse<NameUsagelistChildren​(int parentKey,
                                               Locale locale,
                                               Pageable page)
        Lists all accepted child name usages for a given parent.
        parentKey - that identifies the parent name usage
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        page - paging parameters or null for first page with default size
        Paged list of child usages.
      • listParents

        List<NameUsagelistParents​(int taxonKey,
                                    Locale locale)
        Lists the complete parental hierarchy of a name usage regardless of their ranks.
        taxonKey - that identifies the name usage to show parents of
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        List of parent usages with the last usage being the immediate parent
      • listRelated

        PagingResponse<NameUsagelistRelated​(int taxonKey,
                                              Locale locale,
                                              Pageable page,
                                              UUID... datasetKey)
        Lists all related checklist usages for a given nub usage.
        taxonKey - that identifies a nub usage
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        page - paging parameters or null for first page with default size
        datasetKey - Optional list of checklist keys to restrict related usages to
        Paged list of related name usages.
      • listRoot

        PagingResponse<NameUsagelistRoot​(UUID datasetKey,
                                           Locale locale,
                                           Pageable page)
        Lists all root usages for a given checklist, i.e. accepted usages without a parent. To list the 8 root kingdoms of the nub use the respective datasetKey,
        datasetKey - the registered dataset key for the checklist in question
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        page - paging parameters or null for first page with default size
        Paged list of root name usages.
        See Also:
      • listSynonyms

        PagingResponse<NameUsagelistSynonyms​(int taxonKey,
                                               Locale locale,
                                               Pageable page)
        Lists all synonym name usages for a given accepted name usage.
        taxonKey - that identifies any name usage
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        page - paging parameters or null for first page with default size
        Paged list of synonym name usages.
      • listCombinations

        List<NameUsagelistCombinations​(int basionymKey,
                                         Locale locale)
        Lists all combinations or names at different rank that are based on this basionym, i.e. a list of all name usages sharing the same basionym (homotypical group). The basionym itself is not included in this list.
        basionymKey - the name usage key of the basionym
        locale - the locale's language determines the vernacular name to use for a usage Use null to not load any common name
        List of name usages sharing the same basionym.