PagingResponse<Dataset> |
NodeService.endorsedDatasets(@NotNull UUID nodeKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list datasets published, i.e.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
NodeService.endorsedOrganizations(@NotNull UUID nodeKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides access to the organizations endorsed by a single node.
PagingResponse<DownloadStatistics> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.getDownloadStatistics(Date fromDate,
Date toDate,
Country publishingCountry,
UUID datasetKey,
UUID publishingOrgKey,
Pageable page) |
Retrieves downloads monthly stats by country (user and publishing country) and dataset.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
InstallationService.getHostedDatasets(@NotNull UUID installationKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list datasets hosted by a specific installation.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
OrganizationService.hostedDatasets(@NotNull UUID organizationKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list datasets hosted by, but not owned by, a specific organization.
PagingResponse<Installation> |
NodeService.installations(@NotNull UUID nodeKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides the installations that are registered to organizations with an approved endorsement
from the node.
PagingResponse<Installation> |
OrganizationService.installations(@NotNull UUID organizationKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list installations for the organization.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.list(DatasetRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides paging service to list datasets that can be filtered by multiple parameters.
PagingResponse<Installation> |
InstallationService.list(InstallationRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides paging service to list installations that can be filtered by multiple parameters.
PagingResponse<T> |
NetworkEntityService.list(Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<Network> |
NetworkService.list(NetworkRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides paging service to list networks that can be filtered by multiple parameters.
PagingResponse<Node> |
NodeService.list(NodeRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides paging service to list nodes that can be filtered by multiple parameters.
PagingResponse<Download> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.list(Pageable page,
Set<Download.Status> status,
String source) |
Retrieves a pageable result of all the downloads, optionally the downloads can be filtered by
status and source.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
OrganizationService.list(OrganizationRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides paging service to list organizations that can be filtered by multiple parameters.
PagingResponse<DatasetProcessStatus> |
DatasetProcessStatusService.listAbortedDatasetProcesses(Pageable page) |
Retrieves a pageable result of all dataset processing statuses that have been aborted in their latest crawl
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listByCountry(Country country,
DatasetType type,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list datasets published, i.e.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
OrganizationService.listByCountry(Country country,
Pageable page) |
Provides access to all organizations from a country.
PagingResponse<DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsage> |
DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsageService.listByDataset(@NotNull UUID datasetKey,
Boolean showDownloadDetails,
Pageable page) |
Retrieves a pageable result of the downloads which contain data taken from a dataset.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listByDOI(String doi,
Pageable page) |
Get a Dataset list from a DOI.
PagingResponse<Download> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.listByEraseAfter(Pageable page,
String eraseAfter,
Long size,
String erasureNotification) |
Retrieves a pageable result of the downloads created by a user in a given status.
PagingResponse<T> |
NetworkEntityService.listByIdentifier(String identifier,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<T> |
NetworkEntityService.listByIdentifier(IdentifierType type,
String identifier,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<T> |
NetworkEntityService.listByMachineTag(String namespace,
String name,
String value,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listByType(DatasetType type,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list datasets published filtered by a particular dataset type.
PagingResponse<Installation> |
InstallationService.listByType(InstallationType type,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list installations filtered by a particular installation type.
PagingResponse<Download> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.listByUser(@NotNull String user,
Pageable page,
Set<Download.Status> status,
LocalDateTime from,
Boolean statistics) |
Retrieves a pageable result of the downloads created by a user in a given status.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listConstituents(UUID datasetKey,
Pageable page) |
Pages through constituents of a dataset, i.e.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listConstituents(Pageable page) |
Pages through all constituent datasets, i.e.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
NetworkService.listConstituents(@NotNull UUID networkKey,
Pageable page) |
Pages through dataset constituents of a network, i.e.
PagingResponse<CountryOccurrenceDownloadUsage> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.listCountryUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi,
CountryUsageSortField sortBy,
SortOrder sortOrder,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<DatasetProcessStatus> |
DatasetProcessStatusService.listDatasetProcessStatus(@NotNull UUID datasetKey,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<DatasetProcessStatus> |
DatasetProcessStatusService.listDatasetProcessStatus(Pageable page) |
Retrieves a pageable result of all the dataset processing statuses.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listDatasetsWithNoEndpoint(Pageable page) |
Provides access to internal (e.g.
PagingResponse<DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsage> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.listDatasetUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi,
String datasetTitle,
DatasetUsageSortField sortBy,
SortOrder sortOrder,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsage> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.listDatasetUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi,
Pageable page) |
Retrieves a pageable result of the dataset usages in a occurrence download.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listDeleted(DatasetRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides access to deleted datasets.
PagingResponse<Installation> |
InstallationService.listDeleted(InstallationRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides access to deleted installations.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
OrganizationService.listDeleted(OrganizationRequestSearchParams searchParams) |
Provides access to deleted organizations.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
DatasetService.listDuplicates(Pageable page) |
Provides access to datasets that are marked as a duplicate of another.
PagingResponse<MetasyncHistory> |
MetasyncHistoryService.listMetasync(@NotNull UUID installationKey,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<MetasyncHistory> |
MetasyncHistoryService.listMetasync(Pageable page) |
Retrieves a pageable result of all the metasync history records.
PagingResponse<Installation> |
InstallationService.listNonPublishing(Pageable page) |
Provides access to installations that serve no datasets.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
OrganizationService.listNonPublishing(Pageable page) |
Provides access to organizations that are not publishing (e.g.
PagingResponse<OrganizationOccurrenceDownloadUsage> |
OccurrenceDownloadService.listOrganizationUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi,
String organizationTitle,
OrganizationUsageSortField sortBy,
SortOrder sortOrder,
Pageable page) |
PagingResponse<Organization> |
OrganizationService.listPendingEndorsement(Pageable page) |
Provides access to organizations that are awaiting their endorsement approval.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
NodeService.pendingEndorsements(@NotNull UUID nodeKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides access to the organizations that are awaiting an endorsement approval for the given
PagingResponse<Organization> |
NodeService.pendingEndorsements(Pageable page) |
Provides access to the organizations that are awaiting an endorsement approval.
PagingResponse<Dataset> |
OrganizationService.publishedDatasets(@NotNull UUID organizationKey,
Pageable page) |
Provides paging service to list datasets published by a specific organization.
PagingResponse<Organization> |
NetworkService.publishingOrganizations(@NotNull UUID networkKey,
Pageable page) |
Pages through publishing organizations of a network.
PagingResponse<T> | query,
Pageable page) |