Uses of Interface
Uses of Pageable in
Classes in that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
A name usage specific search request with convenience methods to add enum based search filters.class
A name usage specific suggest request.Constructors in with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description NameUsageSearchRequest(Pageable page)
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.model.collections.request
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.collections.request that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in org.gbif.api.model.collections.request that return Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description Pageable
DescriptorGroupSearchRequest. getPage()
DescriptorSearchRequest. getPage()
SearchRequest. getPage()
Methods in org.gbif.api.model.collections.request that return types with arguments of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description Map<F,Pageable>
FacetedSearchRequest. getFacetPages()
Method parameters in org.gbif.api.model.collections.request with type arguments of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description void
FacetedSearchRequest. setFacetPages(Map<F,Pageable> facetPages)
Uses of Pageable in
Classes in that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
FacetedSearchResponse<T,F extends CollectionsFacetParameter>
Constructors in with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description FacetedSearchResponse(Pageable page, Long count, List<T> results)
FacetedSearchResponse(Pageable page, Long count, List<T> results, List<CollectionFacet<F>> facets)
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.model.common.paging
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.common.paging that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
Generically is a class that contains attributes used by operations that are aware of pagination.class
Paging response bean.Methods in org.gbif.api.model.common.paging with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description void
PageableBase. copyPagingValues(Pageable pageable)
Utility method to copy paging values.Constructors in org.gbif.api.model.common.paging with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description PagingRequest(Pageable page)
PagingResponse(Pageable page)
PagingResponse(Pageable page, Long count)
PagingResponse(Pageable page, Long count, List<T> results)
Uses of Pageable in
Classes in that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
FacetedSearchRequest<P extends SearchParameter>
Generic request class for search operations requesting facets.class
SearchRequest<P extends SearchParameter>
Generic request class for search operations.class
SearchResponse<T,P extends SearchParameter>
Generic response of a search operation.Methods in that return Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description Pageable
FacetedSearchRequest. getFacetPage(P parameter)
Gets the paging configuration of a facet parameter.Methods in that return types with arguments of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description Map<P,Pageable>
FacetedSearchRequest. getFacetPages()
Holds the paging configuration for each requested facet.Method parameters in with type arguments of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description void
FacetedSearchRequest. setFacetPages(Map<P,Pageable> facetPages)
Constructors in with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description FacetedSearchRequest(Pageable page)
SearchRequest(Pageable page)
Minimal paging constructor.SearchResponse(Pageable page)
Minimal paging constructor. -
Uses of Pageable in
Classes in that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
Constructors in with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description LiteratureSearchRequest(Pageable page)
Uses of Pageable in
Classes in that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
Search request that uses a predicate filter like the ones used un downloads.class
Request class for issuing search request to the occurrence search service.Constructors in with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description OccurrenceSearchRequest(Pageable page)
Uses of Pageable in
Classes in that implement Pageable Modifier and Type Class Description class
Parameters to list datasets.class
A dataset specific search request with convenience methods to add facet filters.class
A dataset specific suggest request.class
Base class for registry requests to list the entities.Methods in that return Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description Pageable
RequestSearchParams. getPage()
Methods in with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description void
RequestSearchParams. setPage(Pageable page)
Constructors in with parameters of type Pageable Constructor Description DatasetSearchRequest(Pageable page)
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank
Methods in org.gbif.api.service.checklistbank with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description PagingResponse<NameUsage>
NameUsageService. list(Locale locale, UUID datasetKey, String sourceId, Pageable page)
Page through all usages across all or one checklists.PagingResponse<NameUsage>
NameUsageService. listByCanonicalName(Locale locale, String canonicalName, Pageable page, UUID... datasetKey)
Page through all usages with a given canonical name across all or some checklists.PagingResponse<T>
NameUsageExtensionService. listByUsage(int taxonKey, Pageable page)
Returns all extension records for a checklist usage.PagingResponse<NameUsage>
NameUsageService. listChildren(int parentKey, Locale locale, Pageable page)
Lists all accepted child name usages for a given parent.PagingResponse<NameUsage>
NameUsageService. listRelated(int taxonKey, Locale locale, Pageable page, UUID... datasetKey)
Lists all related checklist usages for a given nub usage.PagingResponse<NameUsage>
NameUsageService. listRoot(UUID datasetKey, Locale locale, Pageable page)
Lists all root usages for a given checklist, i.e.PagingResponse<NameUsage>
NameUsageService. listSynonyms(int taxonKey, Locale locale, Pageable page)
Lists all synonym name usages for a given accepted name usage. -
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.service.collections
Methods in org.gbif.api.service.collections with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description PagingResponse<R>
ChangeSuggestionService. list(Status status, Type type, String proposedBy, UUID entityKey, String ihIdentifier, Pageable page)
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.service.common
Methods in org.gbif.api.service.common with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description PagingResponse<T>
CrudService. list(Pageable page)
Lists all entity. -
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.service.pipelines
Methods in org.gbif.api.service.pipelines with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description PagingResponse<PipelineProcess>
PipelinesHistoryService. getRunningPipelineProcess(Pageable pageable)
Returns information about all running pipelines executionsPagingResponse<IngestionProcess>
IngestionHistoryService. history(@NotNull UUID datasetKey, List<FinishReason> finishReasons, Pageable pageable)
IngestionHistoryService. history(List<FinishReason> finishReasons, Pageable pageable)
PipelinesHistoryService. history(@NotNull UUID datasetKey, Pageable pageable)
Lists the history of allPipelineProcess
of a dataset, sorted descending from the most recent one.PagingResponse<PipelineProcess>
PipelinesHistoryService. history(Pageable pageable)
Lists the history of allPipelineProcess
, sorted descending from the most recent one. -
Uses of Pageable in org.gbif.api.service.registry
Methods in org.gbif.api.service.registry with parameters of type Pageable Modifier and Type Method Description PagingResponse<Dataset>
NodeService. endorsedDatasets(@NotNull UUID nodeKey, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list datasets published, i.e.PagingResponse<Organization>
NodeService. endorsedOrganizations(@NotNull UUID nodeKey, Pageable page)
Provides access to the organizations endorsed by a single node.PagingResponse<DownloadStatistics>
OccurrenceDownloadService. getDownloadStatistics(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Country publishingCountry, UUID datasetKey, UUID publishingOrgKey, Pageable page)
Retrieves downloads monthly stats by country (user and publishing country) and dataset.PagingResponse<Dataset>
InstallationService. getHostedDatasets(@NotNull UUID installationKey, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list datasets hosted by a specific installation.PagingResponse<Dataset>
OrganizationService. hostedDatasets(@NotNull UUID organizationKey, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list datasets hosted by, but not owned by, a specific organization.PagingResponse<Installation>
NodeService. installations(@NotNull UUID nodeKey, Pageable page)
Provides the installations that are registered to organizations with an approved endorsement from the node.PagingResponse<Installation>
OrganizationService. installations(@NotNull UUID organizationKey, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list installations for the organization.PagingResponse<T>
NetworkEntityService. list(Pageable page)
OccurrenceDownloadService. list(Pageable page, Set<Download.Status> status, String source)
Retrieves a pageable result of all the downloads, optionally the downloads can be filtered by status and source.PagingResponse<DatasetProcessStatus>
DatasetProcessStatusService. listAbortedDatasetProcesses(Pageable page)
Retrieves a pageable result of all dataset processing statuses that have been aborted in their latest crawlPagingResponse<Dataset>
DatasetService. listByCountry(Country country, DatasetType type, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list datasets published, i.e.PagingResponse<Organization>
OrganizationService. listByCountry(Country country, Pageable page)
Provides access to all organizations from a country.PagingResponse<DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsage>
DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsageService. listByDataset(@NotNull UUID datasetKey, Boolean showDownloadDetails, Pageable page)
Retrieves a pageable result of the downloads which contain data taken from a dataset.PagingResponse<Dataset>
DatasetService. listByDOI(String doi, Pageable page)
Get a Dataset list from a DOI.PagingResponse<Download>
OccurrenceDownloadService. listByEraseAfter(Pageable page, String eraseAfter, Long size, String erasureNotification)
Retrieves a pageable result of the downloads created by a user in a given status.PagingResponse<T>
NetworkEntityService. listByIdentifier(String identifier, Pageable page)
NetworkEntityService. listByIdentifier(IdentifierType type, String identifier, Pageable page)
NetworkEntityService. listByMachineTag(String namespace, String name, String value, Pageable page)
DatasetService. listByType(DatasetType type, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list datasets published filtered by a particular dataset type.PagingResponse<Installation>
InstallationService. listByType(InstallationType type, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list installations filtered by a particular installation type.PagingResponse<Download>
OccurrenceDownloadService. listByUser(@NotNull String user, Pageable page, Set<Download.Status> status, LocalDateTime from, Boolean statistics)
Retrieves a pageable result of the downloads created by a user in a given status.PagingResponse<Dataset>
DatasetService. listConstituents(UUID datasetKey, Pageable page)
Pages through constituents of a dataset, i.e.PagingResponse<Dataset>
DatasetService. listConstituents(Pageable page)
Pages through all constituent datasets, i.e.PagingResponse<Dataset>
NetworkService. listConstituents(@NotNull UUID networkKey, Pageable page)
Pages through dataset constituents of a network, i.e.PagingResponse<CountryOccurrenceDownloadUsage>
OccurrenceDownloadService. listCountryUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi, CountryUsageSortField sortBy, SortOrder sortOrder, Pageable page)
DatasetProcessStatusService. listDatasetProcessStatus(@NotNull UUID datasetKey, Pageable page)
Lists theDatasetProcessStatus
of a dataset.PagingResponse<DatasetProcessStatus>
DatasetProcessStatusService. listDatasetProcessStatus(Pageable page)
Retrieves a pageable result of all the dataset processing statuses.PagingResponse<Dataset>
DatasetService. listDatasetsWithNoEndpoint(Pageable page)
Provides access to internal (e.g.PagingResponse<DatasetOccurrenceDownloadUsage>
OccurrenceDownloadService. listDatasetUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi, String datasetTitle, DatasetUsageSortField sortBy, SortOrder sortOrder, Pageable page)
OccurrenceDownloadService. listDatasetUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi, Pageable page)
Retrieves a pageable result of the dataset usages in a occurrence download.PagingResponse<Dataset>
DatasetService. listDuplicates(Pageable page)
Provides access to datasets that are marked as a duplicate of another.PagingResponse<MetasyncHistory>
MetasyncHistoryService. listMetasync(@NotNull UUID installationKey, Pageable page)
Lists theMetasyncHistory
of a installation.PagingResponse<MetasyncHistory>
MetasyncHistoryService. listMetasync(Pageable page)
Retrieves a pageable result of all the metasync history records.PagingResponse<Installation>
InstallationService. listNonPublishing(Pageable page)
Provides access to installations that serve no datasets.PagingResponse<Organization>
OrganizationService. listNonPublishing(Pageable page)
Provides access to organizations that are not publishing (e.g.PagingResponse<OrganizationOccurrenceDownloadUsage>
OccurrenceDownloadService. listOrganizationUsages(@NotNull String keyOrDoi, String organizationTitle, OrganizationUsageSortField sortBy, SortOrder sortOrder, Pageable page)
OrganizationService. listPendingEndorsement(Pageable page)
Provides access to organizations that are awaiting their endorsement approval.PagingResponse<Organization>
NodeService. pendingEndorsements(@NotNull UUID nodeKey, Pageable page)
Provides access to the organizations that are awaiting an endorsement approval for the given node.PagingResponse<Organization>
NodeService. pendingEndorsements(Pageable page)
Provides access to the organizations that are awaiting an endorsement approval.PagingResponse<Dataset>
OrganizationService. publishedDatasets(@NotNull UUID organizationKey, Pageable page)
Provides paging service to list datasets published by a specific organization.PagingResponse<Organization>
NetworkService. publishingOrganizations(@NotNull UUID networkKey, Pageable page)
Pages through publishing organizations of a network.PagingResponse<T>
NetworkEntityService. search(String query, Pageable page)