Package org.gbif.api.model.predicate
package org.gbif.api.model.predicate
ClassDescriptionA compound predicate is a Predicate that itself contains other Predicates.This predicate is "AND"-ing its subpredicates together.This predicate is "OR"-ing its subpredicates together.EqualsPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if its
is equal to itsvalue
.This predicate checks performs a full text search based on a query parameter.This predicate checks if an occurrence location falls within a distance of a location.GreaterThanOrEqualsPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
is greater than or equal itsvalue
.GreaterThanPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
is greater than itsvalue
.InPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
contains any of itsvalues
.IsNotNullPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>IsNullPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>LessThanOrEqualsPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
is less or equal than itsvalue
.LessThanPredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
is less than itsvalue
.LikePredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
is LIKE itsvalue
.This predicate negates its subpredicate.RangePredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if itskey
is within the rangevalue
.SimplePredicate<S extends SearchParameter>This predicate checks if an occurrence location falls within the given WKT geometryvalue