Uses of Package
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.collections used by org.gbif.api.model.collections Class Description Address The particulars of the place where a institution of collection is situated.AlternativeCode Models a GrSciColl alternative code.Batch.State Collection A group of specimens or other natural history objects.CollectionEntity Entity .CollectionEntityType Contact Contact associated to a GRSciCollCollection
.Contactable Entity that can have a list of contacts and addresses.Institution The owner or location of collection.MasterSourceMetadata Metadata to sync GRSciColl entities with their master sources.OccurrenceMappeable GenericOccurrenceMapping
interface for entities.OccurrenceMapping Models the mapping of a GRSciColl institution or collection to an occurrence record.Sourceable Annotation to indicate that a field can be populated from external sources.SourceableField.Source UserId User ID for GRSciColl contacts. -
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.collections used by org.gbif.api.model.collections.suggestions Class Description CollectionEntity Entity . -
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.collections used by org.gbif.api.model.collections.view Class Description Batch A batch that can contain either institutions or collections to create or update them in bulk.Collection A group of specimens or other natural history objects. -
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.collections used by org.gbif.api.service.collections Class Description Batch A batch that can contain either institutions or collections to create or update them in bulk.CollectionEntity Entity .Contact Contact associated to a GRSciCollCollection
.Institution The owner or location of collection.MasterSourceMetadata Metadata to sync GRSciColl entities with their master sources.OccurrenceMapping Models the mapping of a GRSciColl institution or collection to an occurrence record. -
Classes in org.gbif.api.model.collections used by org.gbif.api.util.iterables Class Description Institution The owner or location of collection.