Class TermFactory

  • public class TermFactory
    extends Object
    Simple, threadsafe factory for terms that knows about all ConceptTerms of this library and keeps singletons for all unknown Term instances.
    • Method Detail

      • registerTermEnum

        public <T extends Enum & Term & AlternativeNames> void registerTermEnum​(Class<T> termClass,
                                                                                String... altPrefixes)
        Registers all terms from a term enumeration. If the same class is registered again it will be silently ignored.
        altPrefixes - alternative prefixes to be used to register simple prefixed term names
      • registerQualifiedTermEnum

        public <T extends Enum & Term> void registerQualifiedTermEnum​(Class<T> termClass)
        Registers all terms from a new term enumeration, but only adds their qualified and prefixed names. This is to avoid clashes with other usually more important terms that should be known by their simple name.
      • normaliseTerm

        public static String normaliseTerm​(String term)
        a purely alphanumerical, lower cased term with all other characters replaced
      • findTerm

        public Term findTerm​(String termName)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
        This is the main method to get a term from the factory searching both for property or class terms. It will lookup matching terms applying some normalization and known synonyms first. In case of ambiguous terms Class terms will be preferred. If nothing matches the factory creates a new UnknownTerm property instance and keeps it for further requests so that all terms with the same qualified name return a single UnknownTerm instance. For clearly bad term names an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. For example in the case of a simple name containing whitespace like "hello tom". Ideally the term names to be looked up should be full URIs, but simple names made up of alphanumerics and dashes will also work fine. Unknown simple names will be put into the namespace when a new UnknownTerm instance is created.