002 * Copyright 2020 Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
016package org.gbif.api.vocabulary;
019 * Vocabulary for the life stage of an organism regardless of its kingdom.
020 *
021 * @see <a href="http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/gbif/life_stage.xml">rs.gbif.org vocabulary</a>
022 */
024public enum LifeStage {
026  /**
027   * A zygote (or zygocyte) describes the first stage of a new unique organism when it consists of just a single cell.
028   * The term is also used more loosely to refer to the group of cells formed by the first few cell divisions,
029   * although this is properly referred to as a blastomere.
030   * A zygote is usually produced by a fertilization event between two haploid cells -
031   * an ovum from a female and a sperm cell from a male -
032   * which combine to form the single diploid cell.
033   * Thus the zygote contains DNA originating from both mother and father
034   * and this provides all the genetic information necessary to form a new individual.
035   */
036  ZYGOTE,
038  /**
039   * An embryo is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development,
040   * from the time of first cell division until birth, hatching, or germination.
041   */
042  EMRYO,
044  /**
045   * A larva is a young (juvenile) form of animal with indirect development,
046   * going through or undergoing metamorphosis (for example, insects, amphibians, or cnidarians).
047   * The larva can look completely different from the adult form, for example, a caterpillar differs from a butterfly.
048   * Larvae often have special (larval) organs which do not occur in the adult form.
049   * The larvae of some species can become pubescent and not further develop into the adult form (for example, in some newts).
050   * This is a type of neoteny. It is a misunderstanding that the larval form always reflects the group's evolutionary history.
051   * It could be the case, but often the larval stage has evolved secondarily, as in insects.
052   * In these cases the larval form might differ more from the group's common origin than the adult form.
053   * The early life stages of most fish species are considerably different from juveniles and adults of their species and are called larvae.
054   */
055  LARVA,
057  /**
058   * A juvenile is an individual organism that has not yet reached its adult form, sexual maturity or size.
059   * Juveniles sometimes look very different from the adult form, particularly in terms of their colour.
060   * In many organisms the juvenile has a different name from the adult.
061   */
064  /**
065   * An adult is a plant, animal, or person who has reached full growth or alternatively is capable of reproduction.
066   */
067  ADULT,
069  /**
070   * All land plants, and some algae, have life cycles in which a haploid gametophyte generation alternates with a diploid sporophyte,
071   * the generation of a plant or alga that has a double set of chromosomes.
072   * A multicellular sporophyte generation or phase is present in the life cycle of all land plants and in some green algae.
073   * For common flowering plants (Angiosperms), the sporophyte generation comprises almost their whole life cycle
074   * (i.e. whole green plant, roots etc), except phases of small reproductive structures (pollen and ovule).
075   */
078  /**
079   * A spore is a reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable conditions.
080   * Spores form part of the life cycles of many bacteria, plants, algae, fungi and some protozoans.
081   * A chief difference between spores and seeds as dispersal units is that spores have very little stored food resources compared with seeds.
082   * Spores are usually haploid and unicellular and are produced by meiosis in the sporangium by the sporophyte.
083   * Once conditions are favorable, the spore can develop into a new organism using mitotic division,
084   * producing a multicellular gametophyte, which eventually goes on to produce gametes.
085   * Many ferns, especially those adapted to dry conditions, produce diploid spores.
086   * In this case spores are the units of asexual reproduction, because a single spore develops into a new organism.
087   * By contrast, gametes are the units of sexual reproduction, as two gametes need to fuse to create a new organism.
088   */
089  SPORE,
091  /**
092   * In plants and algae that undergo alternation of generations, a gametophyte is the multicellular structure, or phase, that is haploid,
093   * containing a single set of chromosomes.
094   * The gametophyte produces male or female gametes (or both), by a process of cell division called mitosis.
095   * In mosses, liverworts and hornworts (bryophytes), the gametophyte is the commonly known phase of the plant.
096   * An early developmental stage in the gametophyte of mosses (immediately following germination of the meiospore) is called the protonema.
097   * In most other land plants the gametophyte is very small (as in ferns and their relatives)
098   * or even reduced as in flowering plants (angiosperms), where the female gametophyte (ovule) is known as a megagametophyte
099   * and the male gametophyte (pollen) is called a microgametophyte.
100   */
103  /**
104   * A gamete is a cell that fuses with another gamete during fertilization in organisms that reproduce sexually.
105   * In species that produce two morphologically distinct types of gametes, and in which each individual produces only one type,
106   * a female is any individual that produces the larger type of gamete — called an ovum (or egg) —
107   * and a male produces the smaller tadpole-like type — called a sperm.
108   * This is an example of anisogamy or heterogamy, the condition wherein females and males produce gametes of different sizes.
109   * In contrast, isogamy is the state of gametes from both sexes being the same size and shape, and given arbitrary designators
110   * for mating type. Gametes carry half the genetic information of an individual, one chromosome of each type.
111   */
112  GAMETE,
114  /**
115   * A pupa is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation between immature and mature stages.
116   * The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, with four life stages:
117   * egg (-> embryo), larva, pupa, and imago (-> adult).
118   */
119  PUPA